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#5206 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Opened September 11, 2009 01:33PM UTC

Closed June 07, 2011 06:53PM UTC

create namespaced elements when building the object

Reported by: bridget.almas Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: 1.7
Component: support Version: 1.5
Keywords: needsreview,1.7-discuss Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.

Attachments (0)
Change History (25)

Changed June 13, 2010 05:40PM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

component: unfiledsupport

Changed October 24, 2010 05:00PM UTC by rwaldron comment:2

milestone: 1.41.5
priority: majorlow

Changed October 24, 2010 07:53PM UTC by snover comment:3

keywords: → needsreview
milestone: 1.5

Not sure if we are supporting an XUL context.

Changed November 11, 2010 01:28AM UTC by dmethvin comment:4

keywords: needsreview
milestone: → 1.5
status: newopen

Changed November 19, 2010 07:51PM UTC by addyosmani comment:5

keywords: → needsreview

Changed November 23, 2010 09:20PM UTC by snover comment:6

#5776 is a duplicate of this ticket.

Changed November 30, 2010 01:20PM UTC by comment:7

There is a special fork of jQuery called jQuery-xul at github, it is compatible with FireFox xul model.

Changed December 05, 2010 06:30PM UTC by ekesken comment:8

Replying to [comment:7 ilya.kharlamov@…]:

There is a special fork of jQuery called jQuery-xul at github, it is compatible with FireFox xul model.

i tried your jquery-xul, unfortunately it didn't work for me. i've a simple toolbar application, i don't have any problem with my main application overlay, even with plane jquery-1.4.4 but in preferences dialog xul, jquery prevents xul elements' addition to dom.

there is no problem with jquery-1.2.6.

Changed February 03, 2011 10:05PM UTC by jitter comment:9

milestone: →

Changed February 03, 2011 10:47PM UTC by jitter comment:10

#8172 is a duplicate of this ticket.

Changed May 22, 2011 07:27PM UTC by john comment:11

keywords: needsreviewneedsreview,1.7-discuss

Nominating ticket for 1.7 discussion.

Changed May 22, 2011 10:27PM UTC by rwaldron comment:12

description: To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue. \ To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.\


Changed May 22, 2011 11:50PM UTC by jaubourg comment:13

-1, Well, script tag injection will also fail for one and other places too I'm sure. AFAIK, XUL extensions are not a supported environment and that has everything to do with XML being so unfriendlily pedantic.

Changed May 23, 2011 01:50AM UTC by ajpiano comment:14

description: To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.\ To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue. \

+0, I think we'd need to a do a bit more research to find out more about that "might"

Changed May 23, 2011 02:50AM UTC by timmywil comment:15

description: To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue. \ To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.\


Changed May 23, 2011 03:26PM UTC by danheberden comment:16

+0, Need to see proof/working examples before committing to include this in 1.7

Changed May 23, 2011 05:18PM UTC by comment:17

description: To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.\ To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue. \


Changed May 23, 2011 09:11PM UTC by dmethvin comment:18

-1, No to blind createElementNS since it isn't supported by IE<9; is there some other way to support XUL?

Changed May 25, 2011 11:26PM UTC by reesd comment:19

+1 on looking at improving this, it works pretty well as it is but then occasionally fails - usually because of the issue.

I agree it shouldn't be blind, perhaps it can detect that the innerHTML fails (completely I might add) and then look to see if its in Gecko/Firefox? Then try createElementNS? So its isolated to only Gecko cases?

I'll add there is a a hidden issue here, the user can create XUL and HTML elements. If we run the support tests against a XUL div the we are assuming the developer is creating XUL elements. That isn't always true, so its worth documenting somewhere that fact so folks are not surprised.

Changed May 25, 2011 11:39PM UTC by rwaldron comment:20

I think there maybe some confusion here, the +1/-1/+0 is for the bugs, core and ui teams to vote on pending 1.7 issues. We apreciate your feedback and it will definitely be taken into consideration, but the voting is whitelisted.

Changed June 03, 2011 01:17PM UTC by john comment:21

description: To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue. \ To build the object, the code creates a number of html elements using document.createElement and then proceeds to test the browser behavior against them. This is problematic when jQuery is used in an XUL extension, as the elements are not recognized as HTML elements when the document object used to create them is an XUL document. I think using document.createElementNS, specifying the xhtml namespace, rather than document.createElement might work around this issue.\

-1, We definitely need to see more proof that this could work.

Changed June 03, 2011 02:16PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:22

+0, I don't know enough about XUL to know if we want to support it

Changed June 06, 2011 03:37PM UTC by jzaefferer comment:23


Changed June 06, 2011 03:48PM UTC by cowboy comment:24


Changed June 07, 2011 06:53PM UTC by rwaldron comment:25

milestone: 1.next1.7
resolution: → wontfix
status: openclosed

Closing per 1.7 roadmap meeting resolution