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Ticket #4481: jquery.patch

File jquery.patch, 2.5 KB (added by DmitryBaranovskiy, April 02, 2009 11:56PM UTC)

Patch for curCSS method

--- jquery-old.js	2009-04-03 10:55:43.000000000 +1100
+++ jquery.js	2009-04-03 10:25:10.000000000 +1100
@@ -3285,6 +3285,19 @@
 			// We should always get a number back from opacity
 			if ( name == "opacity" && ret == "" )
 				ret = "1";
+			// For sake of consistency with MS style of return values for margin and padding
+			if ( prop == "padding" ) {
+				ret =	computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-top") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-right") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-left");
+			} else if ( prop == "margin" ) {
+				ret =	computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-top") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-right") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom") + " " +
+						computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left");
+			}
 		} else if ( elem.currentStyle ) {
 			var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){
@@ -3298,19 +3311,28 @@
 			// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
 			// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
-			if ( !/^\d+(px)?$/i.test( ret ) && /^\d/.test( ret ) ) {
-				// Remember the original values
-				var left = style.left, rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
-				// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
-				elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
-				style.left = ret || 0;
-				ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
-				// Revert the changed values
-				style.left = left;
-				elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+			ret = ( ret + "" ).split( " " );
+			for (var i = ret.length; i--;) {
+				if ( ( ret[i] != +ret[i] || propCC == "lineHeight" ) && ( /^[\d\.]+(?!px)(\D\D?)?$/ ).test( ret[i] ) ) {
+					// Remember the original values
+					var left = style.left, rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
+					// Knowing font size is the same as knowing what is 1em for the given element
+					camelCase == "fontSize" && ( ret[i] = "1em" );
+					// if "line-height" is just a number then it should be in "em"
+					camelCase == "lineHeight" && !RegExp.$1 && ( ret[i] += "em" );
+					// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
+					elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
+					style.left = ret[i] || 0;
+					ret[i] = style.pixelLeft + "px";
+					// Revert the changed values
+					style.left = left;
+					elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+				}
+			ret = ret.join(" ");
 		return ret;

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