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#8051 closed bug (duplicate)

Opened January 25, 2011 03:11PM UTC

Closed January 25, 2011 07:10PM UTC

Last modified March 13, 2012 05:44PM UTC

col .width() of a colgroup returns 0

Reported by: TiTi Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: dimensions Version: 1.4.4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


The .width() method returns 0 on a <col> element for Google Chrome current stable release (8.0.552.237), and also IE9 and Safari.

Doh in fact it only works on Firefox....


Workaround I'm using for thoses interested: get the corresponding <th> width, or a visible cell for that column...

Attachments (0)
Change History (2)

Changed January 25, 2011 07:10PM UTC by jitter comment:1

component: unfileddimensions
priority: undecidedlow
resolution: → duplicate
status: newclosed

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the jQuery project by writing a bug report and providing a test case!

This isn't a bug as the col element itself doesn't have a width. It's just used to style the real columns of a table.

See also these tickets #7913, #7782 for more information

Changed January 25, 2011 07:10PM UTC by jitter comment:2

Duplicate of #7782.