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#3820 closed bug (fixed)

Opened January 10, 2009 03:10AM UTC

Closed January 10, 2009 07:58PM UTC

.live() delegation fails in second handler if first handler modify the DOM

Reported by: iraebrasil Owned by: brandon
Priority: major Milestone: 1.3
Component: event Version: 1.2.6
Keywords: live, delegation, target Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

From the jQuery Development list:

I'm using 1.3b2 (6070) and found the following behavior.

  • using 2 .live() handlers for same link.
  • 1st handler always fire and modify the link with .html(string)
  • 2nd handler fire once, them stops firing.

I've made a test case:

The weird thing is that after the manipulation, if you stop modifying the DOM (use toggle link in test case), both handlers fire again.

I dug into jQuery source but was unable to solve the problem myself to present a patch. But I found out that if I use .wrapInner() instead of .html() everything works fine. To me it seems that .closest() used in liveHandler can't match the element for delegation during domManip for some reason, but this was as far as I could get.

From: John Resig

Here is what I think is happening:

First click: Since there's only a text node inside of the link both

callbacks work as expected - the target of the event is the anchor

element. The one handler ends up modifying the contents with .html().

Second click: The first handler is run - but the target is the span,

this time. You end up deleting the span while the event is still

happening - stranding all the other events (they were targeted on an

element that no longer exists).

For example, if you used .text("Click me") instead of the html

business then this would've worked.

I don't really see a clear way to make this "just work". The target of

the event was nuked while the event was still happening - we're kind

of up the creek without a paddle on this one.

I'm open to thoughts, but I don't see a clear way to resolve this - at

least not before the final 1.3 release.

Could you open a bug on this, at least? It'll be good to remember this issue.

Attachments (3)
  • 3820.patch (0.9 KB) - added by iraebrasil January 10, 2009 03:16AM UTC.

    patch to make a queue before firing every liveHandler solves #3820

  • 3820.unit.patch (1.0 KB) - added by iraebrasil January 10, 2009 06:56PM UTC.

    Unit test proposal for this issue that the patch passes and without the path, don't

  • live.html.html (1.3 KB) - added by iraebrasil January 10, 2009 03:11AM UTC.

    Test case for loosing the target for delegation but not a test unit

Change History (1)

Changed January 10, 2009 07:58PM UTC by john comment:1

resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed
version: → 1.2.6

Fixed in SVN rev [6079] - thanks for the patches! Had to make a couple tweaks but they were good, thanks.