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#12656 closed bug (fixed)

Opened October 04, 2012 08:31PM UTC

Closed January 27, 2013 02:23PM UTC

Last modified January 27, 2013 07:08PM UTC

Make event shorthands an excludable module

Reported by: rwaldron Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: 1.9.1
Component: build Version: 1.8.0
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Code should be using on/off anyway. The shorthands are just crufty.

Attachments (0)
Change History (10)

Changed October 04, 2012 08:32PM UTC by rwaldron comment:1

component: unfiledbuild
milestone: None1.9
owner: → rwaldron
priority: undecidedlow
status: newassigned

Changed October 04, 2012 08:49PM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

Me Gusta.

However, we're piggybacking on this to do the fixHooks. Perhaps we avoid the startup overhead and create some sort of eventHook[event.type] cache, only do the regex the first time we see a particular event.

Changed October 04, 2012 08:58PM UTC by dmethvin comment:3

Dog-walk thought: In 2.0 we don't need a regex, we could base it on event instanceof MouseEvent etc.

Changed October 04, 2012 09:29PM UTC by gibson042 comment:4

We don't even need a regex now; the discrimination ''could'' be done purely by index in the static list.

Changed October 04, 2012 09:39PM UTC by dmethvin comment:5

The static list is going to end up in the plugin so we couldn't depend on it being there.

Changed November 02, 2012 01:09AM UTC by dmethvin comment:6

milestone: 1.92.0
owner: rwaldron
status: assignedopen

.. and by "plugin" I meant "module".

Seems like this would need to wait until 2.0 when we can reliably determine the event type, so I'm rescheduling it. rwaldron I'm bailing you out of the ticket, grab it again if you have time once we're on 2.0.

Changed December 28, 2012 02:36AM UTC by dmethvin comment:7

The ajax events have similar code in ajax.js that could be moved to this "event shortcuts" module as well.

Changed January 27, 2013 02:23PM UTC by Dave Methvin comment:8

resolution: → fixed
status: openclosed

Fix #12656. Make event shorthands excludable.

Changeset: 6f7b6915bf457c413476faefb2159df717c2c210

Changed January 27, 2013 02:23PM UTC by Dave Methvin comment:9

Fix #12656. Make event shorthands excludable.

Changeset: 24e76245544537e9f085e09d15d3b08efb171b4c

Changed January 27, 2013 07:08PM UTC by dmethvin comment:10
