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#8729 closed bug (invalid)

Opened March 31, 2011 03:31PM UTC

Closed April 01, 2011 02:21PM UTC

Last modified March 09, 2012 04:50PM UTC

$('body') selector bug on IE9

Reported by: DesTVTS Owned by: DesTVTS
Priority: undecided Milestone:
Component: selector Version: 1.5.1
Keywords: ie9 Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


With IE9, if i want append, prepend or another to the body with selector $('body'), i get error. ''Work on IE7,IE8,Chrome,Safari,Firefox''

var tip;
tip = self.opts.template;
tip = tip.replace('%id%', self.opts.tipId);
tip = tip.replace('%msg%', content);
tip = tip.replace('%arrow-type%', self.opts.arrowType);
$('body').prepend(tip); <-- Fatal error

'''if i change 'body' by an element ex: '#tmpl-global' => work '''

Error msg

Détails de l’erreur de la page Web

Agent utilisateur : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C)
Horodateur : Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:18:59 UTC

Message : Objet appelant non valide
Ligne : 1
Caractère : 1
Code : 0

Message : Objet appelant non valide
Ligne : 16
Caractère : 55942
Code : 0
Attachments (0)
Change History (3)

Changed March 31, 2011 03:42PM UTC by timmywil comment:1

keywords: → ie9
owner: → DesTVTS
status: newpending

Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report to the jQuery project! Please provide a reduced test case that reproduces your issue on using jQuery(edge). In this case, it is hard to know exactly what "tip" is.

Changed April 01, 2011 07:36AM UTC by anonymous comment:2

Replying to [comment:1 timmywil]:

Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report to the jQuery project! Please provide a reduced test case that reproduces your issue on using jQuery(edge). In this case, it is hard to know exactly what "tip" is.



var tip = '<div style="top: 665.833px; left: 936.5px; opacity: 1; display: block;" class="mi-tips" id="tips-form-error-contact_name"><div class="mi-tips-left-top"><div class="mi-tips-right-bottom"><div class="mi-tips-left-bottom"><div class="mi-tips-right-top"><p class="mi-tips-content">Le champ « Nom prénom » est nécessaire.</p></div></div><span class="mi-tips-arrow mi-tips-arrow-top"> </span></div></div></div>';

On, i dont have the error. I dont understand why on my site i have. i force IE9 to emulate IE8 temporarily.

Changed April 01, 2011 02:21PM UTC by timmywil comment:3

component: unfiledselector
resolution: → invalid
status: pendingclosed

Ok, please let us know if you discover there's an issue with jQuery. Closing for now.