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#5473 closed bug (fixed)

Opened November 08, 2009 08:09AM UTC

Closed April 17, 2011 08:05PM UTC

animate fails in IE with very small floating point values

Reported by: city41 Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: effects Version: 1.4.4
Keywords: animate ie needsreview Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

If you call animate with a very small floating point value (for example, 4.8e-14), IE will throw a script error "Invalid argument"

I am setting the animate value that small because I am animating objects radially, so I am calculating top/left using sin/cos, and thus for some angles, x or y ends up extremely small. This does not occur in any other browser (tested in Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome and Opera 10. All in Windows and OSX)

Please see attached example. It's a very tiny repro.

This is occurring for me in IE8 8.07100.0 on Windows7. It occurs in all rendering modes (Standards, Quirks, etc).

Workaround is trivial. If I find the value is very small, I just set it to zero before calling animate.

Attachments (1)
  • iefail.html (0.3 KB) - added by city41 November 08, 2009 08:10AM UTC.

    Tiny repro of the bug for IE.

Change History (3)

Changed February 05, 2010 09:16PM UTC by john comment:1

component: webfx
owner: joern

Changed November 19, 2010 04:49AM UTC by snover comment:2

keywords: animate, ieanimate ie needsreview
milestone: 1.4
priority: minorlow

So I created a patch for this issue but I am just not sure it is worth fixing in core; it’s not an insignificant amount of code for an *extreme* edge case.

Changed April 17, 2011 08:05PM UTC by timmywil comment:3

milestone: →
resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed