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#5468 closed bug (fixed)

Opened November 07, 2009 06:19AM UTC

Closed November 07, 2009 02:02PM UTC

Bad URI causes ajaxStop and ajaxComplete not to fire

Reported by: mrspeaker Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.4
Component: ajax Version: 1.3.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

If you do an Ajax request that generates a NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI (or anything else that gets caught in the try/catch) then the complete() function is never run - so ajaxStop and ajaxComplete do not fire (and does not get decremented)

Here is a test page:

The call is to a "file:///" URI (the real reason I found this was running a request from the local filesystem that 404ed)

A possible patch is to simply call complete() in the catch block (diff included)

Attachments (1)
  • complete.diff (0.4 KB) - added by mrspeaker November 07, 2009 06:19AM UTC.
Change History (1)

Changed November 07, 2009 02:02PM UTC by john comment:1

resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed