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#5466 closed bug (worksforme)

Opened November 07, 2009 02:49AM UTC

Closed November 11, 2009 02:16AM UTC

Image load only fires once in chrome

Reported by: zaius Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.4
Component: unfiled Version: 1.3.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Hi there,

I am loading a image in the background, and only displaying it once it has finished loading. For this, I'm using the jquery.load method. When I specify an image url more than once, the load event only fires the first time in chrome, but it fires every time in firefox and safari.

Here's an example:

Try it here:

I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 from google CDN, on Mac 10.6.1, safari 4.0.3, firefox 3.5.4, chrome

First jQuery bug report, so let me know if there's any more info needed.



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Change History (1)

Changed November 11, 2009 02:16AM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

resolution: → worksforme
status: newclosed

There are a couple of strange things there. First is that the element is never attached to the document; I am not sure all browsers support events on detached elements. Second is that you attach the load event *after* creating the element; it's possible that the event fires (for example on a cached image the second time) before it gets to attach the event.

That said, your example consistently worked for me in IE8, Firefox 3.5, and Chrome Since Chrome 4.0 is a beta, you might want to reproduce the problem just using bare DOM events (if possible) and report it there as a Chrome bug.