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#5091 closed bug (wontfix)

Opened August 21, 2009 12:14PM UTC

Closed November 09, 2010 11:59PM UTC

Last modified January 31, 2011 05:54PM UTC

Attribute type of "multiple" in chrome/safari/firefox

Reported by: assertfail Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: 1.5
Component: attributes Version: 1.5
Keywords: Cc: miketaylr
Blocked by: Blocking:

For instance if you have an input with id "someid" with a custom attribute "multiple" that has the value "True", then the following evaluates to true:

(typeof $("#someid").attr("istrue"))==="boolean"

in chrome.

Attachments (1)
  • chrome.htm (1.2 KB) - added by assertfail August 21, 2009 12:15PM UTC.

    A file that helps demonstrating the inconsistancy

Change History (6)

Changed June 13, 2010 04:54PM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

component: unfiledattributes
description: For instance if you have an input with id "someid" with a custom attribute "istrue" that has the value "True", then the following evaluates to true: \ (typeof $("#someid").attr("istrue"))==="boolean" \ in chrome.For instance if you have an input with id "someid" with a custom attribute "multiple" that has the value "True", then the following evaluates to true: \ (typeof $("#someid").attr("istrue"))==="boolean" \ in chrome.
summary: Attribute type inconsistency in chromeAttribute type of "multiple" in chrome/safari/firefox

Repro in Firefox 3.6, Chrome 5 and Safari 5, but not IE 8. jQuery is not causing this, it's present in the native DOM. I think what is happening is that since

is a boolean property of the
element, there is some common DOM code in the browser that is processing this attribute for
elements as well.

It's always a very good idea to avoid any names that are used by DOM elements, see for some examples.

I'll leave this open for the moment but I'm not sure there's anything jQuery can/should do about it.

Changed October 29, 2010 03:59PM UTC by rwaldron comment:2

_comment0: Confirmed; \ \ Expect: ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"] \ \ IE: ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"] \ Opera: ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"] \ \ Chrome: [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"] \ FF: [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"] \ Safari: [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"] \ \
priority: minorblocker
status: newopen


Expect: ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"]

IE:     ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"]
Opera:  ["True", "string"], ["False", "string"]

Chrome: [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"]
FF:     [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"]
Safari: [ true, "boolean"], ["False", "string"]

Changed November 09, 2010 11:59PM UTC by rwaldron comment:3

resolution: → wontfix
status: openclosed

multiple="True" is not a valid attribute on input type="text", nor is true a valid value for this attribute.

Changed November 10, 2010 12:00AM UTC by rwaldron comment:4

Changed January 31, 2011 05:53PM UTC by john comment:5


There wasn't a 1.4.5 release, was actually 1.5.

Changed January 31, 2011 05:54PM UTC by john comment:6


There was no 1.4.5 release, was actually 1.5.