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#3552 closed bug (fixed)

Opened October 29, 2008 11:42PM UTC

Closed January 11, 2010 09:31PM UTC

.wrapInner() won't work on empty elements

Reported by: dtetto Owned by: flesler
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.4
Component: core Version: 1.4a2
Keywords: wrapInner Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

$(elem).wrapInner('<div/>') does nothing if the original element is empty.

There ''is'' some logical elbow-room here -- one could argue that the wrap shouldn't be performed if there's nothing to wrap -- but the current behavior feels like a bug to me.

Based on the syntax, the transformation is being performed on the original element, not on its children:

$(elem).wrapInner('<div/>'); // wrap the inside of this element with a div


$(elem).contents().wrapAll('<div/>'); // wrap this elements contents (if any) with a div

It's easy to get around this:

$.fn._wrapInner = $.fn.wrapInner;

$.fn.wrapInner = function(wrapper){

if(this.contents().length) return this._wrapInner(wrapper);

else return this.append(wrapper);


But I'd argue it ought to be changed in the library itself unless there's reason to believe a lot of folks are relying on the current behavior.

Attachments (3)
  • core.js.r6267.diff (0.4 KB) - added by Marc Diethelm March 04, 2009 09:18AM UTC.

    diff: fixes bug against r6267 (core.js)

  • wrapInner.diff (0.6 KB) - added by ricardobeat March 05, 2009 12:48AM UTC.

    alternative patch (core.js r6270)

  • wrapInner.testcase.html (1.3 KB) - added by Marc Diethelm March 04, 2009 08:13AM UTC.


Change History (5)

Changed March 04, 2009 08:14AM UTC by Marc Diethelm comment:1

IMO wrapInner should behave consistently whether there are actual nodes to enclose or not.

I'm attaching a simple testcase (uses

Changed March 04, 2009 09:16AM UTC by Marc Diethelm comment:2

And here's a "patch" (a diff actually) that fixes the problem. I hope it's ok style wise...

Changed March 05, 2009 12:49AM UTC by ricardobeat comment:3

Added an alternative patch with a simpler/faster check for .firstChild and append instead of html (faster). Hope it's useful.

Changed October 14, 2009 12:26AM UTC by dmethvin comment:4

component: unfilledcore

Changed January 11, 2010 09:31PM UTC by john comment:5

milestone: 1.31.4
resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed