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#2364 closed bug (fixed)

Opened February 19, 2008 01:04PM UTC

Closed June 11, 2010 02:16AM UTC

xml selector does not seem to work with mixed case tags

Reported by: lideln Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.2.4
Component: ajax Version: 1.2.3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I tried today the jQuery ajax capabilities. It's impressive, but I found something strange :

my ajax answer was containing a mixed-case tag, just like :


In my callback function :

function ajaxAnswer(data, textStatus)


var id = $('userId', data).text();


It returns empty string, although in firebug I can see that my answer does contain a userId (and it was working with my old "hand-written" ajax code (with xhr() etc.)

For now I changed all my ajax answers to return only lowercase tags, but it would be nice if people could use mixed case.

Another thing : are params of, params, callback) automatically encodeURIComponent-ed ?

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Change History (4)

Changed February 19, 2008 01:12PM UTC by lideln comment:1

concerning the post-scriptum about encoreURIComponent, I tried to encode my params and it gave me (when getting them back from my DB), a string with caracters encoded, so I guess it's because it's been encoded twice (then the '%' sign has been encoded and then not translated in the php page), so I think that you already encode params, that's great news :)

Changed July 17, 2008 05:49PM UTC by pbcomm comment:2

I ran into the same problem using outside xml feed where they have mixed case tags like "videoItem". Does anyone have a solution for this one?

Changed July 18, 2008 01:05AM UTC by pbcomm comment:3

If someone emailed me about this bug, please do it again, it came in as spam :( sorry.

Changed June 11, 2010 02:16AM UTC by dmethvin comment:4

resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed