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#2355 closed bug (invalid)

Opened February 16, 2008 03:35PM UTC

Closed February 19, 2008 12:40PM UTC

.sortable("serialize") unable to handle id with '-' in it

Reported by: Bitruder Owned by: paul
Priority: major Milestone: 1.2.4
Component: ui Version: 1.2.3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

If run .sortable("serialize") on a list with an item that has an id with '-' in it, then that id is chopped off just before the - character.

<div id="sortlist">

<div class="sortable" id="test-id">Content</div>

<div class="sortable" id="test-again">Hello</div>


If you make that a sortable and then serialize it, you get two test', not test-id' and `test-again'.

(using UI 1.5b)

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Change History (2)

Changed February 16, 2008 03:49PM UTC by Bitruder comment:1

Sorry, I now realize that your default value for expression will look for something of the form (.+)[-=_](.+). I just passed an expression option and it works now (I juse used (.+)).

Might want to add that default value to the documentation as I wouldn't have expected - to be a default separating character.

Changed February 19, 2008 12:40PM UTC by paul comment:2

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed