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#1582 closed bug (invalid)

Opened September 11, 2007 01:35PM UTC

Closed January 18, 2009 03:54AM UTC

Last modified March 15, 2012 01:26AM UTC

the application is slow after some time of use

Reported by: ubirajara.melo Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.2.1
Component: plugin Version: 1.2
Keywords: bgiframe, jdMenu Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Ola. My English comes of google translator therefore not if it scares.

Congratulations for its great work. jQuery is a present and a future of web 2.0

I am working with version 1.2 because the superior versions are presenting problems with the bgiframe

if (! (jQuery.browser.msie && typeof XMLHttpRequest == “function”)) return this;

my small cat --> if (! (jQuery.browser.msie)) return this;

When I include jdMenu.js in my application it I am very

slow in the IE6. All time that I movement mouse the processor loses

20% of its capacity.

To save time I never submit my page, all the operations

they are executed by AJAX. The more I use the system plus it is slow. If I leave the open application the night all, without making nothing, in the following day windows indicates that the memory finished and that the virtual memory is low.

Attachments (1)
  • jdmenu.JPG (195.0 KB) - added by ubirajara.melo September 11, 2007 01:36PM UTC.
Change History (1)

Changed January 18, 2009 03:54AM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

This is most likely a memory leak in bgiframe or jdMenu.