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#14784 closed bug (notabug)

Opened February 11, 2014 04:59PM UTC

Closed February 13, 2014 08:51PM UTC

$.merge does not work in IE8 as it does in IE9

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: undecided Milestone: None
Component: unfiled Version: 1.10.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I'm using $.merge to merge two set of rows together, however the same code doesn't work in IE8, but it does in IE9. The following code doesn't get to the fourth line.

1.	var rowHeaders = $(".tblRowHeaders")[0].rows;
2.	var rowData = $(".tblData")[0].rows;
3.	var all = $.merge(rowData,rowHeaders);
4.	alert('works');

You can work around it by doing changing the 3th line to

3.	var all = $.merge($(rowData),$(rowHeaders));

I believe this to be a bug, but it may be that the original usage isn't legitimate.

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Change History (2)

Changed February 12, 2014 10:55PM UTC by rvidal comment:1

Could you provide a test case?

Changed February 13, 2014 08:51PM UTC by gibson042 comment:2

resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed


The $.merge() function is destructive. It alters the first parameter to add the items from the second.

The first argument to jQuery.merge must be mutable (unlike the rows HTMLCollection from your example). Even though IE9 doesn't generate an exception, the operation isn't successful: