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#14761 closed bug (notabug)

Opened February 06, 2014 02:06AM UTC

Closed February 06, 2014 01:11PM UTC

.click() event does not work correctly in Firefox

Reported by: Redsandro Owned by: Redsandro
Priority: undecided Milestone: None
Component: unfiled Version: 1.11.0
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

On a selected virtual anchor element, .click() fires a click event in Chromium. This is correct.

In Firefox however, it does not. You need to manually create a ''click'' mouseEvent.

I've created this ''jsfiddle'' to explain exactly what I mean:

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Change History (5)

Changed February 06, 2014 02:08AM UTC by Redsandro comment:1

(I was meaning to file this under Events but I cannot seem to edit that.)

Changed February 06, 2014 02:21AM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

owner: → Redsandro
status: newpending

It works if you append to the body:

Is there a reason to not append the link to the body? In general, detached DOM often has issues.

Changed February 06, 2014 10:09AM UTC by anonymous comment:3

In the fiddle you don't even use jQuery!

In this line


you access the native element via [0] and try to trigger the native click event.

Changed February 06, 2014 01:06PM UTC by Redsandro comment:4

_comment0: '''@dmethvin''' ''Is there a reason to not append the link to the body?'' \ \ Just want to offer some client side text as a download. There is no semantic purpose for the anchor in the Document/DOM. This seems like logical thing to do. I don't need to end up with a bunch of irrelevant elements in my DOM like empty soda cans polluting the street. \ \ '''@anonymous''' '''$(anchor).click();''' doesn't work either.1391692110453428
status: pendingnew

@dmethvin ''Is there a reason to not append the link to the body?''

Just want to offer some client side text as a download. There is no semantic purpose for the anchor in the Document/DOM. This seems like logical thing to do. I don't need to end up with a bunch of irrelevant elements in my DOM like empty soda cans polluting the street.

Either way, thanks for the workaround. I guess it's human nature to leave trash behind. ;) But still, I think that jQuery should be able to handle this in the way I proposed.

@anonymous $(anchor).click(); doesn't work either.

Changed February 06, 2014 01:11PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:5

resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed

Regardless, this isn't a jQuery bug. This is how the browser behaves.