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#14615 closed feature (fixed)

Opened December 06, 2013 08:59PM UTC

Closed December 06, 2013 09:10PM UTC

Manage bower dependencies with grunt-bowercopy

Reported by: timmywil Owned by: timmywil
Priority: high Milestone: 1.11/2.1
Component: build Version: 1.10.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

grunt-bowercopy allows us to be specific about where we'd like to put bower dependencies in a very readable and maintainable format. This also lends itself to track bower dependencies, about which some team members have expressed concern.

Attachments (0)
Change History (2)

Changed December 06, 2013 09:09PM UTC by timmywil comment:1

component: unfiledbuild
milestone: None1.11/2.1
owner: → timmywil
priority: undecidedhigh
status: newassigned

Changed December 06, 2013 09:10PM UTC by Timmy Willison comment:2

resolution: → fixed
status: assignedclosed

Manage bower dependencies with grunt-bowercopy

Tracked bower dependencies are located at "src/sizzle" and "test/libs".

The source-destination mapping is in the Gruntfile.

When updating a bower dependency, update the version in bower.json, run

grunt bower, and then commit the result. When adding a dependency,

update the bowercopy task accordingly.

Fixes #14615.

Closes gh-1452.

Changeset: f9ad13c9ec8967916427642db2883a1bf3bccd86