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#12374 closed bug (patchwelcome)

Opened August 22, 2012 04:52PM UTC

Closed November 24, 2012 10:40PM UTC

bug in jquery event function (since 1.4.3 version)

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone: None
Component: event Version: 1.8.0
Keywords: Cc: scott_gonzalez
Blocked by: Blocking:

This is undiscovered bug in JQuery core since 1.4.3 version and up to now. Buggy function "e.returnValue = false;" can be found in non-minified version of latest JQuery, under "otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)". I mean, that in JQuery before 1.4.3 this line wasn't in brackets, but since this version of JQuery this code has been included into IF STATEMENT: "if ( e.preventDefault )", and redefined as the mismatch (else section) of this IF STATEMENT.

I have done many experiments with followed code. Many of JQuery UI bugs caused by this JQuery small error, that comes from 1.4.3 version. And all of them disappeared, when I edit this line.

Can you do deep revision of this section and return everything back to the code from JQuery 1.4.3 (exact copy): "

if preventDefault exists run it on the original event

if ( e.preventDefault ) {



otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)

e.returnValue = false;


Contact to me via email REQUA@MAIL.RU for details if needed.

Attachments (0)
Change History (10)

Changed August 22, 2012 04:56PM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

owner: →
status: newpending

Hi, I'm not sure why you are calling that buggy. Can you provide a test case that shows some incorrect behavior as a result? Please use or if possible so we can experiment with your test case.

Changed August 23, 2012 02:05AM UTC by comment:2

status: pendingnew

Hi, I've posted my test script on

First of all, I'm talking about demonstration of this bug in Google Chrome. When the page loads completly, try to resize iframe by dragging rigth bottom corner (this is small drag icon). It resizes very very softly, without any "stops" during very long time. But when you change version of loading JQuery from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3, iframe will stop to resize softly and the bug will become applied. It happens because of the bug described in this ticket. You may take JQuery up to 1.7.2 version and change this line of code, and strange bug disappears in Google Chrome, as I did it.

But in Opera this no bug at all, since oldest version of JQuery and up to latest. In Firefox it was buggy everytime and I don't know the reason of it.

Replying to [comment:1 dmethvin]:

Hi, I'm not sure why you are calling that buggy. Can you provide a test case that shows some incorrect behavior as a result? Please use or if possible so we can experiment with your test case.

Changed August 23, 2012 02:46AM UTC by dmethvin comment:3

status: newpending

Sorry but I don't see any difference in behavior in Chrome. Here is the one I used for comparison:

The e.returnValue = false; should not be needed or executed by anything other than IE 6/7/8.

Can you provide some more information about why you think *not* executing that line is causing a problem in Chrome?

Changed August 23, 2012 01:24PM UTC by comment:4

status: pendingnew

I can see the same problem and bug in your example. During long-time resizing (>5-10 secs, horizontal and vertical in same time), border drawing stops and lags very much. But there are no stops and lags in my example in latest Chrome.

As I tested, during rewriting JQuery Core from 1.4.3 up to 1.7.2, Chrome needs "e.returnValue = false;" somehow. But this is something else in JQuery 1.8.0 that also causes this bug... I'll figure it out, but first of all, the solution of discovered bug is required.

Changed September 08, 2012 05:01PM UTC by mikesherov comment:5

_comment0: I am also 1347123721192974
component: unfiledevent
owner: requa@mail.rudmethvin
priority: undecidedhigh
status: newassigned


Changed September 08, 2012 06:29PM UTC by dmethvin comment:6

cc: → scott_gonzalez

The change was made here, September 20, 2010:

So yes that would correspond with the problem occurring with 1.4.3 which was released in October 2010. Although the commit message doesn't mention it, I could swear that I had a conversation with Scott Gonzalez about this very thing at the time and there was a bug being *caused* by the e.returnValue being there in some non-IE browser. He figured it out using git bisect and I was suitably impressed. Maybe related to this UI bug which was fixed around the same time?

Chrome needs e.returnValue = false; somehow

That's *really* puzzling, since e.preventDefault() should be all Chrome needs to do its job. Total guess, but perhaps there is an underlying Chrome bug regarding the iframe and some security issue is preventing it from calling the .preventDefault() method properly. Notice that there are several security warnings being thrown from within the iframe when it loads.

Using the Chrome debugger I have changed the jquery-git.js code to add event.returnValue = false; and the test case behaves the same. So I am not sure this is related to the cause.

Changed September 29, 2012 07:19PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:7

The bugginess in resizing an iframe is caused by calling event.preventDefault() on mousedown. jQuery UI <= 1.8.4 didn't do this in Chrome because .disableSelection() used the unselectable attribute and resizable itself only called event.preventDefault() in non-WebKit browsers. jQuery UI 1.8.5 has the bug because .disableSelection() was changed to use mousedown and selectstart events. If you use jQuery UI 1.8.5 and jQuery 1.4.3 and make .disableSelection() a noop, the bug will go away. However, in jQuery UI 1.8.6 I removed the conditional from resizable and now event.preventDefault() is called in all browsers.

Setting event.returnValue must be triggering some strange state where the default behavior is prevented but the behavior changes. This is certainly a strange bug.

Changed September 29, 2012 09:09PM UTC by mikesherov comment:8

related to #11806 ?

Changed October 22, 2012 05:26PM UTC by dmethvin comment:9

owner: dmethvin
status: assignedopen

Changed November 24, 2012 10:40PM UTC by dmethvin comment:10

resolution: → patchwelcome
status: openclosed

This is some kind of incredibly rare corner case, and when I added the event.returnValue it didn't change the behavior. Patch welcome.