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#11942 closed bug (invalid)

Opened June 20, 2012 10:56PM UTC

Closed July 08, 2012 08:51AM UTC

subsequent getScript callback does not always fire

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: undecided Milestone: None
Component: unfiled Version: 1.7.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

when calling getScript in Firefox 13 for a local successfully loading script file, the callback does not always fire, nor does the Deferred always get resolved. This happens even if the file question is not in the cache, or the cache is disabled.

The behaviour seems random. It fires, then it doesn't, and then it does.

The behavior I'm seeing is that this is only the case for a subsequent getScript call. The first one always gets its callback called, the second ones not always, even if it loads completely and successfully. It goes wrong about 1 in 5 times, but YMMV.

example code:

$(function() {

$.getScript("script1.js") always called back

$.getScript("script2.js") not always called back


I don't know (yet) if this is specific to a certain type of scripts, or for all kinds of scripts. I also don't know if this behavior varies by any HTTP response headers.

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Change History (3)

Changed June 21, 2012 02:37PM UTC by damien comment:1

Can you provide an online example (jsfiddle?) since there is no way to find out what response headers do you receive :) ?

Changed June 23, 2012 01:28PM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

owner: →
status: newpending

Yes, we'd need a jsFiddle. Also ensure that your code is not encountering a script error in your code--check the console.

Changed July 08, 2012 08:51AM UTC by trac-o-bot comment:3

resolution: → invalid
status: pendingclosed

Because we get so many tickets, we often need to return them to the initial reporter for more information. If that person does not reply within 14 days, the ticket will automatically be closed, and that has happened in this case. If you still are interested in pursuing this issue, feel free to add a comment with the requested information and we will be happy to reopen the ticket if it is still valid. Thanks!