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#11672 closed bug (plugin)

Opened April 28, 2012 08:26PM UTC

Closed April 29, 2012 01:12PM UTC

Last modified April 29, 2012 05:02PM UTC

delay(0) still delays

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: undecided Milestone: None
Component: unfiled Version: 1.7.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I'm trying to use a configurable delay value to control the elasticity of animating an element of top of another:

var elasticity = 25; // how long the animation of the second element should be delayed to create the rubber band effect
$('.slide_background').animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });
$('.slide_content_element').delay(elasticity).animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });

The idea is to be able to configure the above snippet to be elastic or concrete depending on the value of 'elasticity'. Supposedly, a value of 0 should result in absolutely no delay. That is

var elasticity = 0;
$('.slide_background').animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });
$('.slide_content_element').delay(elasticity).animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });

should be the same like starting the second animation without any delay:

$('.slide_background').animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });
$('.slide_content_element').animate({ 'top': '+=50px' });

But still, even with a value of 0, delay() adds a visible delay. Any ideas?

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Change History (4)

Changed April 29, 2012 12:06AM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

owner: →
status: newpending
Supposedly, a value of 0 should result in absolutely no delay.

Why? That certainly isn't the case with setTimeout(fn, 0) which waits a dozen or more milliseconds on most browsers. So it kind of makes sense.

Can you provide a test case on

Changed April 29, 2012 09:36AM UTC by comment:2

status: pendingnew

Replying to [comment:1 dmethvin]:

> Supposedly, a value of 0 should result in absolutely no delay. Why? That certainly isn't the case with setTimeout(fn, 0) which waits a dozen or more milliseconds on most browsers. So it kind of makes sense. Can you provide a test case on

Yes, jsFiddle example see

As for "supposedly .delay(0)" should make for no delay: I'm somewhat new to javascript/jQuery, but per common sense a "delay of zero milliseconds" should be no delay at all (or not noticable). After all, the value determines how many milliseconds the delay should be - and if delay(1000) produces a delay of 1000 milliseconds, delay(10) should produce a delay of 10 milliseconds and delay(0) therefore a delay of 0 milliseconds - that is no visible delay.

I'm not sure how setTimeout handles this, but from common sense, I figured I'd be able to make the delay diminish when setting its duration to 0. Even if it's still listed in the queue.

Changed April 29, 2012 01:12PM UTC by gibson042 comment:3

resolution: → plugin
status: newclosed

You have misunderstood; delay(0) means the same thing as setTimeout(fn, 0): wait for ''at least'' 0 milliseconds before executing. I think that what you want is a simple plugin along the lines of jQuery.fn.maybeDelay = function( time, type ) { return time ? this.delay.apply( this, arguments ) : this; };.

Changed April 29, 2012 05:02PM UTC by anonymous comment:4

Works like a charm, thank you very much for taking the time to sort this out. I think a note in the official documentation for the function that delay(0) !== no delay would be helpful should anyone else ever stumble about this issue.