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#1150 closed enhancement (invalid)

Opened April 29, 2007 11:39PM UTC

Closed October 12, 2009 11:48PM UTC

Imagebox corrections proposal

Reported by: Spyroland Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.1.3
Component: plugin Version: 1.1.2
Keywords: imagebox Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Here are some change proposals for imagebox:


< center the outercontainer, so you can click on the left

< or the right to close the imagebox

< outerContainer

< .css('width', containerW + 'px')

< .css('left', (clientSize.w-containerW)/2 + 'px');


< //

< if the page does not occupy the whole window,

< and the image is taller than the window,

< the overlay needs to be extended now (= after resizing the image box itself)

< // (otherwhise scrolling reveals the original background)

< overlay = jQuery('#ImageBoxOverlay');

< pageSize = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll();

< overlay.css ('height', Math.max(pageSize.ih,pageSize.h) + 'px')

Attachments (0)
Change History (2)

Changed April 29, 2007 11:42PM UTC by Spyroland comment:1

Ooops sorry for the formatting

<	// center the outercontainer, so you can click on the left
<	// or the right to close the imagebox
<	outerContainer
<	.css('width', containerW + 'px')
<	.css('left', (clientSize.w-containerW)/2 + 'px');

<	////
<	// if the page does not occupy the whole window,
< 	// and the image is taller than the window,
< 	// the overlay needs to be extended now (= after resizing the image box itself)
< 	// (otherwhise scrolling reveals the original background)
< 	overlay = jQuery('#ImageBoxOverlay');
< 	pageSize = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll();
< 	overlay.css ('height', Math.max(pageSize.ih,pageSize.h) + 'px')

Changed October 12, 2009 11:48PM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

description: Here are some change proposals for imagebox:\ \ 490,494d489\ < // center the outercontainer, so you can click on the left\ < // or the right to close the imagebox\ < outerContainer\ < .css('width', containerW + 'px')\ < .css('left', (clientSize.w-containerW)/2 + 'px');\ \ \ 566,573d560\ < ////\ < // if the page does not occupy the whole window,\ < // and the image is taller than the window,\ < // the overlay needs to be extended now (= after resizing the image box itself)\ < // (otherwhise scrolling reveals the original background)\ < overlay = jQuery('#ImageBoxOverlay');\ < pageSize = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll();\ < overlay.css ('height', Math.max(pageSize.ih,pageSize.h) + 'px')\ Here are some change proposals for imagebox: \ \ 490,494d489 \ < // center the outercontainer, so you can click on the left \ < // or the right to close the imagebox \ < outerContainer \ < .css('width', containerW + 'px') \ < .css('left', (clientSize.w-containerW)/2 + 'px'); \ \ \ 566,573d560 \ < //// \ < // if the page does not occupy the whole window, \ < // and the image is taller than the window, \ < // the overlay needs to be extended now (= after resizing the image box itself) \ < // (otherwhise scrolling reveals the original background) \ < overlay = jQuery('#ImageBoxOverlay'); \ < pageSize = jQuery.iUtil.getScroll(); \ < overlay.css ('height', Math.max(pageSize.ih,pageSize.h) + 'px') \
resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

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