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#11128 closed feature (plugin)

Opened January 04, 2012 03:45PM UTC

Closed February 04, 2012 03:08PM UTC

Last modified March 14, 2012 09:35AM UTC

Stack operations for the jQuery chain

Reported by: gibson042 Owned by: gibson042
Priority: low Milestone: None
Component: unfiled Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Since the jQuery chain is functionally a stack, it might be useful (for both documentation and development) to explicitly recognize it as such and expose stack operations upon it. To that purpose, I propose standardizing peek/pop nomenclature as "back" instead of "end", with the following implications:

||=stack =||=jQuery =||=implementation =||=notes =||

||stack.push ||.pushStack( elements [, name, selector] ) || ||already present and used by filters/traversing/etc.

||stack.peekstack.pop ||.back( [depth] ) ||var ret = this;do { ret = ret.prevObject;} while ( ret && --depth >= 0 );return ret || this.constructor(); ||new method: .end should alias to this

||stack.push( stack.peek() + stack.peek(1) ) ||.addBack( [depth] [, filter] ) ||if ( typeof depth !== "number" ) { filter = depth; depth = 0;}var back = this.back( depth );return this.add( filter == null ? back : back.filter( filter ) ); ||new method: .andSelf should alias to this

||stack.length ||''depth'' || ||not implemented unless we replace .prevObject with an array

Attachments (0)
Change History (6)

Changed January 04, 2012 05:46PM UTC by cowboy comment:1

The "jQuery chain" is functionally a singly linked list, not a stack.

Changed January 04, 2012 06:17PM UTC by gibson042 comment:2

It is a linear collection restricting addition and removal to the same end. The linked list ''implementation'' is not relevant to the stack ''interface'', which is the subject of this ticket.

Changed January 30, 2012 10:55AM UTC by addyosmani comment:3

owner: → gibson042
priority: undecidedlow
status: newpending

@gibson042: even if it's a collection that restricts addition and removal to the same end, could you justify why this set of changes would be useful?

Changed January 30, 2012 04:43PM UTC by gibson042 comment:4

status: pendingnew

These changes are useful for the same reasons as #9800, only moreso.

We already implement the stack operations, but their naming and use is haphazard. Consistent terminology will support predictable and intuitive understanding.

Example: Instead of $elements.andSelf() as a shortcut for $elements.add( $elements.end() ), we have $elements.addBack() as a shortcut for $elements.add( $elements.back() ).

The depth parameters could be dropped (and I'd still support these changes even if they were), but they are an obvious modifier to the "back" operation: how ''far'' back?


// highlight matching definitions and their corresponding terms,
// skipping non-matching definitions of the same term
jQuery( "dd", context ) // all <dd>s
  .filter( matches ) // matching <dd>s

  .prevUntil("dt") // intervening <dd>s
  .addBack() // all <dd>s for matching <dt>s
  .prev("dt") // matching <dt>s

  .addBack(2) // matching <dd>s plus their <dt>s

  .each( highlight ); // add styling/data/listeners/etc.

Changed January 30, 2012 04:58PM UTC by dmethvin comment:5

I like the idea of renaming .andSelf() to something more logical, which is also proposed in #9800, and the .addBack() name is better than .andPrior() IMO, especially since we are truly adding things to the set.

On the rest, I don't see a compelling reason to add anything. There may be things you want to do to a generic stack that aren't commonly needed for our chain of jQuery .prevObjects. I agree these let you do more things with chaining, but they aren't things people have clamored to do over the past five years.

Changed February 04, 2012 03:08PM UTC by dmethvin comment:6

resolution: → plugin
status: newclosed

It doesn't sound like there's a lot of enthusiasm for adding these to core, although #9800 remains open for the rename of .andSelf().