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Ticket #6576: test.html

File test.html, 3.2 KB (added by JurekRaben, May 17, 2010 07:24PM UTC)

Tests for new queue.js

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	<h1>.delay() bugfix and extension</h1>
	<p>Needs more testing...</p>
	<h2>Updated description .delay()</h2>
	<p>.delay( [ delayId ], duration, [ queueName ] )<br/>
	delayId = An optional string containing the name of the delay id. The delay can be interrupted by using .removeDelay( delayId ).<br/>
	duration = An integer indicating the number of milliseconds to delay execution of the next item in the queue.<br/>
	queueName = A string containing the name of the queue. Defaults to fx, the standard effects queue.<br/>
	<h2>Updated description .clearQueue()</h2>
	<p>.clearQueue( [ queueName ] )<br/>
queueNameA = string containing the name of the queue. Defaults to fx, the standard effects queue.<br /><br />
Also clears all delays of the element.<br/>
	<h2>New description .removeDelay( [ delayId ], [ queueName ] )</h2>
	<p>.delay( [ delayId ], duration, [ queueName ] )<br/>
	delayId = An optional string containing the name of the delay id. If no delayId is given, the last delay of the element will be canceled.<br/>
	queueName = A string containing the name of the queue. Defaults to fx, the standard effects queue.<br/><br />
Currently you need to clear all delays of an element, before you can append new operations the the element or you call .clearQueue() first.
	<p><button>Run delay tests</button></p>
	<div class="first">first</div>
	<div class="second">second</div>
	<div class="third">third</div>
	<div class="fourth">fourth</div>
	<div class="fifth">fifth</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("button").click(function() {

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