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Side navigation

Ticket #5346: testHTML.html

File testHTML.html, 4.2 KB (added by onema, October 09, 2009 11:57PM UTC)

test file that reproduces the bug, make sure to chage the library path


    <title>Insert title here    </title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/Library/jQuery/jquery.min.js">    </script>

$(document).ready(function() {

	$('#linkListLinkOutput').click(function(event) {
		  if ($('tr').attr('id')) {
		      var link = $('tr').attr('id').split('_');

		  if ($('nav_new')) {
	      showAddLinkForm($('tr').attr('id'), link[2], link[3]);
	      return false;
      return false;

  function removeAddAndEditLinkForms() {

  function removeAddLinkForm() {
	function showAddLinkForm(link, parentId, position) {
	  $('#addLinkListLink form input[name="parentId"]').attr('value', parentId);
	  $('#addLinkListLink form input[name="position"]').attr('value', position);
	    .insertBefore( "#" + link )
	  console.log('Link List name: ' + $('#addLinkListLink').attr('id'));



    <div id="content">
    <div id="statusMessage"/>
    <div id="linkListLinkOutput">
    <table class="hierarchical widthFull" id="linkListLinks" border=1>
      <tr class="head">
        <th>Name    </th>
		    <th>Link    </th>
		    <th>Image    </th>
		    <th style="width: 75px;">Options    </th>
      <tr id="1678_6_0_1">
	    <td style="padding-left: 40px;" class="level1">    
	       <a class="nav_down" href="#">Down    </a> Worship Net    
	    <td>Beautiful Sky: beautiful-sky.jpg    
	      <a title="Add a link at this position" class="nav_new" href="#">Add    </a>     
        <a title="Edit is not functional in this example" >Edit    </a>     
        <a title="Delete is not functional in this example" >Delete    </a>    
      <tr id="4159_6_0_2">
      <td style="padding-left: 40px;" class="level1">    
        <a class="nav_up" href="#">Up    </a>     
        <a class="nav_down" href="#">Down    </a> many many many links    
	    <td>None    </td>
	    <td>None    </td>
	        <a title="Add a link at this position" class="nav_new" href="#">Add    </a>     
	        <a title="Edit is not functional in this example" >Edit    </a>     
	        <a title="Delete is not functional in this example" >Delete    </a>    
	    <tr id="4161_6_0_10">
	    <td style="padding-left: 40px;" class="level1">    
	        <a class="nav_up" href="#">Up    </a> MOre and more links    
	    <td>None    </td>
	    <td>None    </td>
	        <a title="Add a link at this position" class="nav_new" href="#">Add    </a>     
	        <a title="Edit is not functional in this example" >Edit    </a>     
	        <a title="Delete is not functional in this example" >Delete    </a>    </td>
	    <tr style="display: none;" id="addLinkListLink">
	    <td colspan="4">

    <form method="post" action="Capture.php" class="tempForm" id="addLinkListLinkForm" name="addLinkListLinkForm">
	        <label for="name">Name:    </label>    
	          <input type="text" value="" maxlength="255" id="name" name="name"/>    
	          <label for="text">Description:    </label>    
	          <textarea id="text" name="text"/>     </textarea>    
	    <input type="submit" value="Save" name="saveButton" class="blah"/>    
	    <input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancelButton" class="blah cancel"/>    
	    <input type="hidden" value="0" name="parentId"/>    
	    <input type="hidden" value="6" name="listId"/>    
	    <input type="hidden" value="1" name="position"/>


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