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Ticket #5055: iebug.html

File iebug.html, 1.9 KB (added by william_mc, August 15, 2009 05:27PM UTC)
<script src="jquery-1.3.1.js"></script>
This script demos a problem in IE when a button, when clicked,
is replaced with an input field. IE ignores calls to set focus to it. 

This is shown for the first button.

There is a workaround for it, which involves setting a timeout on the focus
request. This works when the button is clicked, as shown on the second button.

However it does not work when the button 'clicks' because it (a) has focus and 
(b) the user hits <return>. In this case, you need to do two more things. First
you have to move focus to some other button, and second, the body needs to have 
a handler for keypress events that refocuses the input field.

Workarounds are unnecessary in FF and Chrome.

function putinput1() {
  $('#replace1').html('Focus gone: <input type="text" width=20 id="typeme1" name="typeme"/>');

function putinput2() {
  $('#replace2').html('Focus here: <input type="text" width=20 id="typeme2" name="typeme"/>');
  setTimeout(function() {$('#typeme2').focus()}, 0)

function putinput3() {
  $('#replace3').html('Focus here: <input type="text" width=20 id="typeme3" name="typeme"/>');
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 0)

$(document).ready( function() {
    $('#change1').click( putinput1 );
    $('#change2').click( putinput2 );
    $('#change3').click( putinput3 ).focus();
    $('body').keypress(function() { 
    // needed for third button to work
        setTimeout( function() {$('#typeme3').focus()},0); 

<div id='replace1'>
<button id="change1" >replace me with an input field, but focus lost</button>
<div id='replace2'>
<button id="change2">replace me with an input field, but focus works</button>
<div id='replace3'>
<button id="change3">On load, this has focus</button>

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