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Ticket #4840: test.html

File test.html, 1.3 KB (added by cirvine, July 01, 2009 10:41PM UTC)

Test file that loads the large ipsum page every 20 seconds.

	<title>Memory Leak</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
	<script src="/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
	<script language="javascript">

		var secs = 15;
		var appInterval = 20;
		var timerRunning = false;
		var timerID = 0;
		var delay = 1000;

		function initQueue( interval ) {
			appInterval = interval;
			secs = appInterval;
			StopTheTimer( );
			StartTheTimer( );

		function StopTheTimer( ) {
			if ( timerRunning )
				clearTimeout( timerID );
			timerRunning = false;
		function StartTheTimer( ) {
			if ( secs == 0 )
				$.ajax( {
					url : '/ipsum2.htm',
					type : 'get',
					success : function ( message ) {
			// No Memory leak vvvvv
			//			var x = document.getElementById("queue");
			//			x.innerHTML = message;
			// Has Memory leak vvvvv
			//			$('#queue').empty();  // with or with out this, it does the same thing.
						$( '#queue' ).html( message );
				} );

				secs = appInterval;

			window.status = "Updating  status in " + secs + "s.";
			secs = secs - 1;
			timerRunning = true;
			timerID = self.setTimeout( "StartTheTimer();", delay );
<BODY onLoad="javascript: initQueue( 20 );">

	<div id="queue">here


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