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Ticket #4279: main.js

File main.js, 2.5 KB (added by derekr, March 02, 2009 04:08PM UTC)

My custom js file.


    $("#instructions-description a.action-tab").click(function(){
    $("#invoice-body td textarea").autogrow();
    $("input[id^=qty-], input[id^=unit-sell-price-], input[id^=tax-]").bind("keyup", recalc);
    function recalc()
        	// the equation to use for the calculation
        	"qty * price",
        	// define the variables used in the equation, these can be a jQuery object
        		qty: $("input[id^=qty-]"),
        		price: $("input[id^=unit-sell-price-]")
        	// define the formatting callback, the results of the calculation are passed to this function
        	function (s){
        		// return the number as a dollar amount
        		return "$" + s.toFixed(2);
        	// define the finish callback, this runs after the calculation has been complete
        	function ($this){
        		// sum the total of the $("[id^=total_item]") selector
        		var sum = $this.sum();
        			// round the results to 2 digits
        			"$" + sum.toFixed(2)
        	// the equation to use for the calculation
        	"(subTotal * tax) / 100",
        	// define the variables used in the equation, these can be a jQuery object
        		subTotal: $("[id^=sub-total-]"),
        		tax: $("input[id^=tax-]")
        	// define the formatting callback, the results of the calculation are passed to this function
        	function (s){
        		// return the number as a dollar amount
        		return "$" + s.toFixed(2);
        	// define the finish callback, this runs after the calculation has been complete
        	function ($this){
        		// sum the total of the $("[id^=total_item]") selector
        		var sum = $this.sum();
        			// round the results to 2 digits
        			"$" + sum.toFixed(2)
        $("#invoice-sub-total, #invoice-tax-total").sum({
            selector: "#invoice-total",
            oncalc: function (value, settings){
        		// you can use this callback to format values
        		$(settings.selector).html("$" + value);

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