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Ticket #3143: foo.js

File foo.js, 0.6 KB (added by jterran, July 08, 2008 03:31PM UTC)

JS - Uncomment one line for IE workaround

function testXml()
	var theXml = "<test><item id='1'>one</item><item id='2'>two</item></test>";		
	// Uncomment the following line for IE workaround:
	// theXml = parseXml(theXml);
		var theItem = $(this);
		var theId = theItem.attr("id");
		var theText = theItem.text();		
		alert("Id=" + theId + " Text=" + theText);

function parseXml(xml)
	if (jQuery.browser.msie)
		var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); 
		xml = xmlDoc;
	return xml;

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