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Ticket #3113: attr-form.diff

File attr-form.diff, 2.5 KB (added by flesler, July 18, 2008 08:03PM UTC)

Imported from #2959.

Index: core.js
--- core.js	(revision 5709)
+++ core.js	(working copy)
@@ -1051,34 +1051,38 @@
 		// IE elem.getAttribute passes even for style
 		if ( elem.tagName ) {
-			// These attributes require special treatment
-			var special = /href|src|style/.test( name );
-			// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of a hidden option
-			// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
-			if ( name == "selected" && jQuery.browser.safari )
-				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
-			// If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
-			if ( name in elem && notxml && !special ) {
-				if ( set ){
-					// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
-					if ( name == "type" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) && elem.parentNode )
-						throw "type property can't be changed";
-					elem[ name ] = value;
+			if( notxml ){
+				// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of a hidden option
+				// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+				if ( name == "selected" && jQuery.browser.safari )
+					elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+				// browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
+				if( jQuery.nodeName( elem, 'form' ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) ){
+					elem = elem.getAttributeNode(name);
+					name = 'nodeValue';
+				}else
+					// These attributes require special treatment
+					var special = /href|src|style/.test( name );
+				// If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
+				if ( name in elem && !special ) {
+					if ( set ){
+						// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
+						if ( name == "type" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) && elem.parentNode )
+							throw "type property can't be changed";
+						elem[ name ] = value;
+					}
+					return elem[ name ];
-				// browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
-				if( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) )
-					return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue;
-				return elem[ name ];
+				if ( msie && name == "style" )
+					return jQuery.attr(, "cssText", value );
-			if ( msie && notxml &&  name == "style" )
-				return jQuery.attr(, "cssText", value );
 			if ( set )
 				// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
 				elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );

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