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Bug Tracker

Side navigation

Ticket #2357: uidialog-positionoptions.patch
File uidialog-positionoptions.patch, 0.7 KB (added by mnichols, February 18, 2008 06:52AM UTC)

Adds options to position options

Index: ui.dialog.js
--- ui.dialog.js	(revision 4770)
+++ ui.dialog.js	(working copy)
@@ -146,6 +146,18 @@
 						top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2);
 						left += 0;
+					case 'top right':
+						top += 0;
+						left += (wnd.width()) - (uiDialog.width());
+						break;
+					case 'bottom left':
+						top += (wnd.height()) - (uiDialog.height());
+						left += 0;
+						break;
+					case 'bottom right':
+						top += (wnd.height()) - (uiDialog.height());
+						left += (wnd.width()) - (uiDialog.width());
+						break;					
 						top += (wnd.height() / 2) - (uiDialog.height() / 2);

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