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Ticket #2184: fix-for-1.2.2-clone.diff

File fix-for-1.2.2-clone.diff, 1.4 KB (added by davojan, January 18, 2008 12:02PM UTC)

Another possible solution. It doesn't use clean() and should be faster, but it's bigger.

Index: /webapp/trunk/public_html/js/jquery/jquery.js
--- /webapp/trunk/public_html/js/jquery/jquery.js (revision 2104)
+++ /webapp/trunk/public_html/js/jquery/jquery.js (revision 2113)
@@ -306,8 +306,30 @@
 				var clone = this.cloneNode(true),
 					container = document.createElement("div"),
-					container2 = document.createElement("div");
-				container.appendChild(clone);
-				container2.innerHTML = container.innerHTML;
-				return container2.firstChild;
+					container2 = document.createElement("div"),
+					n = this.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+				if ( n=="tr"||n=="tbody"||n=="thead"||n=="tfoot"||n=="td" ) {
+					var t = document.createElement("table");
+					if ( n == "td" ) {
+						var tr = document.createElement("tr");
+						tr.appendChild(clone);
+						t.appendChild(tr);
+					} else
+						t.appendChild(clone);
+					container.appendChild(t);
+					container2.innerHTML = container.innerHTML;
+					with ( container2.firstChild ) switch ( n ) {
+						case "tr":
+							return firstChild.firstChild;
+						case "td":
+							return firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
+						default:
+							return firstChild;
+					}
+				} else {
+					container.appendChild(clone);
+					container2.innerHTML = container.innerHTML;
+					return container2.firstChild;
+				}
 			} else
 				return this.cloneNode(true);

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