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Ticket #1629: core.diff

File core.diff, 1.9 KB (added by brandon, December 09, 2007 01:03AM UTC)

A possible patch

Index: jquery/src/core.js
--- src/core.js	(revision 4089)
+++ src/core.js	(working copy)
@@ -779,49 +779,22 @@
 	css: function( elem, name, force ) {
 		if ( name == "height" || name == "width" ) {
-			var old = {}, height, width;
+			var props = {}, height, width;
+			props["position"]   = "absolute";
+			props["visibility"] = "hidden";
+			props["display"]    = "block";
-			// Revert the padding and border widths to get the
-			// correct height/width values
-			jQuery.each([ "Top", "Bottom", "Right", "Left" ], function(){
-				old[ "padding" + this ] = 0;
-				old[ "border" + this + "Width" ] = 0;
-			});
-			// Swap out the padding/border values temporarily
-			jQuery.swap( elem, old, function() {
-				// If the element is visible, then the calculation is easy
-				if ( jQuery( elem ).is(":visible") ) {
-					height = elem.offsetHeight;
-					width = elem.offsetWidth;
-				// Otherwise, we need to flip out more values
-				} else {
-					elem = jQuery( elem.cloneNode(true) )
-						.find(":radio").removeAttr("checked").removeAttr("defaultChecked").end()
-						.css({
-							visibility: "hidden",
-							position: "absolute",
-							display: "block",
-							right: "0",
-							left: "0"
-						}).appendTo( elem.parentNode )[0];
-					var position = jQuery.css( elem.parentNode, "position" ) || "static";
-					if ( position == "static" )
- = "relative";
+			if ( jQuery(elem).is(":visible") ) {
+				height = elem.clientHeight;
+				width  = elem.clientWidth;
+			} else {
+				jQuery.swap( elem, props, function() {
 					height = elem.clientHeight;
-					width = elem.clientWidth;
+					width  = elem.clientWidth;
+				});
+			}
-					if ( position == "static" )
- = "static";
-					elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
-				}
-			});
 			return name == "height" ?
 				height :

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