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#8649 closed bug (invalid)

Opened March 26, 2011 12:46AM UTC

Closed March 26, 2011 07:56PM UTC

$.ajax json does not send authentication on redirects

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: undecided Milestone:
Component: unfiled Version: 1.5.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


I have an issue with authentication and redirect.

When I make the original ajax request, the username/password I specify in the ajax parameters are sent correctly. However, on some pages the webserver issues a 302 redirect.

jQuery follows it but then, accessing the redirect destination, it does not send the authentication, and I get prompted with the password.

Is there any known workaround?

Thank you a lot.

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Change History (2)

Changed March 26, 2011 06:59PM UTC by thedayofcondor comment:1

Please disregard this - I have just read an interesting discussion about:

1) this not being a jQuery fault

2) how forwarding the credentials to a redirect would be extremely bad practice

I found a workaround - I noticed this happens only once, and only if the first url I access has a redirect.

If I do first a dummy call to a page I am sure it does not have a redirect, and put the rest of the code on the success callback, I do not get prompted for username and password on redirects.

Changed March 26, 2011 07:56PM UTC by ajpiano comment:2

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed