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#8480 closed bug (invalid)

Opened March 09, 2011 01:54AM UTC

Closed March 30, 2011 06:39PM UTC

Binding 'click' and 'dblclick' not working in JQuery 1.5.1

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: anonymous
Priority: undecided Milestone:
Component: unfiled Version: 1.5.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

In JQuery 1.5, the following commands worked fine (I realize these are somewhat meaningless out of context, I'm just providing them as an example):

expandedRow.bind('dblclick', { eleLoc: eleLoc, requestID: data.requestID }, function (event) { closeRow(, });


innerTestCountLink.bind('click', { requestID: data.requestID, testName: data.result[i].desc }, function (event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); ajaxGetTestIDs(,,; });

In JQuery 1.5.1 they no longer seem to work.

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Change History (6)

Changed March 09, 2011 01:56AM UTC by anonymous comment:1

I apologize for leaving out details. This was in Internet Explorer 8, on Windows 7. What should happen is that in the first case, doubleclicking on an expanded row will close it, but it does nothing (in JQuery 1.5, it worked as it was supposed to). In the second case, it should retrieve a list of test IDs from a database and display them. As before, in JQuery 1.5 it worked as it was supposed to.

Changed March 09, 2011 02:03AM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

owner: → anonymous
status: newpending

You're right, they are meaningless out of context and not enough to track down a bug. Please provide a test case in jsfiddle as requested in the bug reporting guidelines and red box below.

Changed March 09, 2011 06:30PM UTC by anonymous comment:3

status: pendingnew

Replying to [comment:2 dmethvin]:

You're right, they are meaningless out of context and not enough to track down a bug. Please provide a test case in jsfiddle as requested in the bug reporting guidelines and red box below.

Changed March 10, 2011 03:23PM UTC by dmethvin comment:4

status: newpending

Sorry but I don't understand the test case. What should I click to expose the bug you describe?

Changed March 10, 2011 11:14PM UTC by anonymous comment:5

status: pendingnew

Replying to [comment:4 dmethvin]:

Sorry but I don't understand the test case. What should I click to expose the bug you describe?

I removed the first link and reposted it here:

I should be able to click Link2, and the event handler will pass temp to the test function, and an alert displaying "hello" will be displayed to the screen. Instead, nothing seems to happen.

I tried to match the format of the two function calls in the original post, which are the function calls I was having the problem with. For example, in the following:

expandedRow.bind('dblclick', { eleLoc: eleLoc, requestID: data.requestID }, function (event) { closeRow(, });

I doubleclick on an expanded row, which will close the row using the data from the event handler defined in the second parameter. In JQuery 1.5, this works exactly as it should; double-clicking on an expanded row will cause it to close. In JQuery 1.5.1, nothing happens.

The test program I posted in JSFiddle tries to mirror the format I use for the two calls I posted in the original bug report, but in a simplified way since I can't post the code of the entire page I'm having an issue with due to a variety of reasons (proprietary data, needs MVC to make server calls, long and overly complex code for a bug report, etc). It's not exactly the same as what I'm trying to do, but the format I use for bind in the JSFiddle program and the format I use for bind in the original post where I was having the problem are the same, and therefore the bug should be visible in both cases.

Changed March 30, 2011 06:39PM UTC by john comment:6

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

Looks like you had two IDs on your element: