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#8049 closed bug (fixed)

Opened January 25, 2011 11:34AM UTC

Closed March 11, 2012 11:42AM UTC

problem in home page of jQuery

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: jdsharp
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: web Version:
Keywords: Cc: jdsharp
Blocked by: Blocking:

i found that book list not looking good in current version of Firefox and chrome.

check the link and see the book list in bottom.

Attachments (0)
Change History (6)

Changed January 25, 2011 04:57PM UTC by addyosmani comment:1

component: unfiledweb
priority: undecidedlow
status: newopen

Confirmed in latest Chrome. It's a minor issue that should be quick to fix.

Changed January 27, 2011 04:24PM UTC by jdsharp comment:2

owner: → jdsharp
status: openassigned

Hey Addy,

Could you point out what the specific issue is? I'm not noticing anything.


  • Jonathan

Changed January 28, 2011 01:02PM UTC by jitter comment:3

version: 1.4.4

Changed January 29, 2011 06:30AM UTC by addyosmani comment:4

cc: → jdsharp

Hey JD,

If you look at the current homepage in latest Chrome (at least on OSX) you'll notice that one of the books on the left hand side of the screen looks out of place.

Let me know if you need a screenshot, but its definitely still there.



Changed February 01, 2011 08:55AM UTC by danheberden comment:5

Chrome/Safari in OSX is fine for me, but in windows is messed up: - looks like a problem with jq-clearfix

Changed March 11, 2012 11:42AM UTC by addyosmani comment:6

resolution: → fixed
status: assignedclosed

The jq-clearfix issue on the book list has since been updated and this entire section has been redone for the upcoming site refreshes. Closing.