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#7144 closed bug (fixed)

Opened October 11, 2010 09:21AM UTC

Closed October 12, 2010 01:20PM UTC

find('> .foo, >.bar') returns only the first collection of elements (for the first class).

Reported by: gryzzly Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: 1.4.3
Component: traversing Version: 1.4.2
Keywords: find traversing selectors Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

"find('> .foo, >.bar')" returns only the first collection of elements (for the first class).

here's the use case with 1.4.3 rc:

here's the same code that works on 1.4.2:

I've ran into this problem with this code first:

Attachments (0)
Change History (3)

Changed October 11, 2010 03:45PM UTC by addyosmani comment:1

need: ReviewPatch
priority: undecidedlow

Tested and verified as an issue seen in the latest FireFox, Safari and Chrome (I've checked this with both jsFiddle and offline to ensure it's not a library conflict issue causing it as I see MooTools is enabled in the main view of your fiddle).

Flagging for further review and patch.

Changed October 11, 2010 11:08PM UTC by gryzzly comment:2

I have first run into this problem on the production code, and it's only jquery is used there. Sorry for not excluding mootools from the usecase.

I have tested this in Firefox 4 (minefield rc), Firefox 3.6 and Chrome.

Changed October 12, 2010 01:20PM UTC by john comment:3

resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed
version: → 1.4.2