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#6904 closed bug (invalid)

Opened August 13, 2010 05:59AM UTC

Closed September 23, 2010 06:47AM UTC

it seems .load() can not load an external content into a div

Reported by: rezaoli Owned by:
Priority: undecided Milestone: 1.4.3
Component: ajax Version: 1.4.2
Keywords: .load Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

i wrote a very simple code to check if there is any programming mistake, but it didn't work while ff, safari, and even ie doin' the job.

i also test online examples. online examples are working until i download the codes and run locally!

Attachments (3)
  • ajax-6904.html (0.0 KB) - added by dmethvin August 14, 2010 06:18PM UTC.

    file loaded by main

  • loadTest.7z (23.0 KB) - added by rezaoli August 13, 2010 06:02AM UTC.

    this is a very simple test case

  • test-6904.html (0.6 KB) - added by dmethvin August 14, 2010 06:18PM UTC.

    main file

Change History (4)

Changed August 13, 2010 10:50AM UTC by ganeshkrishnan comment:1

.load won't load local resources due to security restrictions. What browser are you using?

Changed August 14, 2010 06:22PM UTC by dmethvin comment:2

component: coreajax

Using 7zip makes it harder to try the test case...

I've attached the two required files with some slight modifications. It works locally on all browsers except Chrome 5, which is due to this security restriction in Chrome:

You can start Chrome with a command line option to work around it, but there's nothing jQuery can do to affect it.

Changed September 09, 2010 07:02AM UTC by strings28 comment:3

This works for me. What error, if any are you getting? What logs to console in Firefox, IE8 or Safari?

Changed September 23, 2010 06:47AM UTC by snover comment:4

priority: → undecided
resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

This is not a jQuery bug. If you need to deploy Web applications locally, usually the best thing to do is to include a lightweight web server.