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#6225 closed bug (invalid)

Opened March 04, 2010 09:34PM UTC

Closed December 02, 2010 08:07AM UTC

Last modified March 14, 2012 02:02AM UTC

IE8 Will not properly FadeIn() and FadeOut()

Reported by: eyekanspele Owned by: eyekanspele
Priority: undecided Milestone:
Component: manipulation Version: 1.4.2
Keywords: fade fadein fadeout ie8 position relative absolute Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

It appears there is another bug when fading and out when using IE8.

I found this similar post on another website:

Which appears to be what I am having problems with aswell.

If you read THD's post, they mention that "I tried to fade an absolutely positioned div with another positioned div inside (both relative and absolute). The outer div background would fade, but the elements inside the inner div wouldn't. "

My situation is similar. I have a div (aka "inner div" living within a div (aka "outer div").

Inner div has the following css:

position: absolute;

left: 280px;

top: 180px;

Outer div has the following css:

display: block;

width: 500px;

height: 220px;

position: relative;

While in IE8, fades do not seem work properly, behaves more like "hide" and "show".

As soon as I remove "position: absolute" from inner div, fades begin to work properly. (however my positioning is no longer correct)

This bug only seems to be affecting IE8; however when IE8 is set to work in compatibility mode, the fade works as expected.

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Change History (2)

Changed November 14, 2010 03:06AM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

owner: → eyekanspele
priority: → undecided
status: newpending

Please provide a test case in jsfiddle.

Changed December 02, 2010 08:07AM UTC by trac-o-bot comment:2

resolution: → invalid
status: pendingclosed

Automatically closed due to 14 days of inactivity.