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#1987 closed bug (fixed)

Opened November 28, 2007 05:14PM UTC

Closed December 11, 2007 08:18PM UTC

.ajax with dataType: 'script' and type: 'POST' performs a GET Request

Reported by: developingchris Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.2.2
Component: ajax Version: 1.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I did the above test case based on your title and it appears to me a 'post' is done, not a 'get'. So based on the title I'd say this works for me. I still don't understand what the patch is supposed to do even if it didn't work so feel free to reopen the bug with more details and a new test case if it seems appropriate.

Attachments (3)
  • ajax_xdscript.patch (0.9 KB) - added by developingchris November 28, 2007 06:27PM UTC.

    patch to change cross domain script block to only execute on dataType xdscript

  • jquery_test.html (0.9 KB) - added by davidserduke November 30, 2007 01:54AM UTC.

    test case based on description

  • script.js (0.0 KB) - added by davidserduke November 30, 2007 01:54AM UTC.

    data for test case

Change History (5)

Changed November 30, 2007 01:47AM UTC by davidserduke comment:1

need: ReviewTest Case

I'm thinking about this and I'm not sure I understand what the bug is. The title says if you have 'script' and 'post' then the code is doing a 'get'. But the proposed solution is to create a new type of dataType called 'xdscript'.

So what is the actual problem? How does the solution fix it? I think I'm missing something. Please attach a test case that demonstrates it if you can.

Changed November 30, 2007 01:57AM UTC by davidserduke comment:2

description: → I did the above test case based on your title and it appears to me a 'post' is done, not a 'get'. So based on the title I'd say this works for me. I still don't understand what the patch is supposed to do even if it didn't work so feel free to reopen the bug with more details and a new test case if it seems appropriate.
priority: criticalmajor
resolution: → worksforme
status: newclosed

Changed December 07, 2007 08:02PM UTC by developingch comment:3

resolution: worksforme
status: closedreopened

Please modify your test to use a fully qaulified url. Since that is the #1 trigger to get to the XD scripting block. I have a site that uses https:// and subdomains for user accounts, so almost all urls must be fully qualified in order to avoid security warnings. When a protocol is passed in the url it will always be a GET, I am sorry that this wasn't in the original ticket.

Changed December 10, 2007 05:26PM UTC by davidserduke comment:4

Based on my understanding of the jQuery ajax code, there are two basic ways that jQuery can request data. One is the XMLHttpRequest and the other is through a dynamically created <script> tag.

Unfortunately, the XMLHttpRequest specifically prohibits using a fully qualified domain (like by its same-origin security model.

That means all cross-domain ajax must be through the <script> tag and I'm not aware of a method to change the way a browser requests the script from a GET to a POST. I believe all your patch would do is throw an error when XMLHttpRequest gets a fully qualified domain.

I'll check to see if someone else has an idea but I suspect this will be closed again without a fix. If you have another idea feel free to post it here.

Changed December 11, 2007 08:18PM UTC by davidserduke comment:5

need: Test CaseReview
priority: majorminor
resolution: → fixed
status: reopenedclosed

Fixed in [4106] such that any non-GET requests are passed on to XMLHttpRequest since a <script> type ajax request can only use GET.