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#14509 closed feature (migrated)
Opened November 04, 2013 02:27PM UTC
Closed October 16, 2014 06:18PM UTC
Create $.xhr
Reported by: | jzaefferer | Owned by: | jaubourg |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | 1.12/2.2 |
Component: | ajax | Version: | 1.10.2 |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Blocked by: | Blocking: |
From the Amsterdam team meeting:
Create $.xhr which is based on $.ajax but without any of the legacy options (async:false) or things specific for non-xhr (jsonp/script)
Options to keep:
- beforeSend (expose the native xhr so we can cover the removed xhrFields option)*
- cache (possibly rename to something like noCache)*
- data (if not a string: will use default $.param and append to url for GET requests, otherwise * send as request body, as today)
- headers
- method (aka ‘type’)
- username
- password
- url
- timeout
Options to remove:
- accept (use headers)
- async (use a different method for sync requests)
- contents (do custom parsing yourself)
- contentType (use headers)
- context (use $.proxy)
- converters (global hash of convertors or do it yourself)
- crossDomain (non-xhr)
- dataFilter (do it yourself)
- dataType (jq will use response’s content-type)
- global (everything should be consistent)
- ifModified (make it a plugin)
- isLocal (expose localProtocols as a global config array instead)
- jsonp (non-xhr)
- jsonpCallback (non-xhr)
- processData (who knows? no one is sending XML documents anymore, right?)
- scriptCharset (non-xhr)
- statusCode (handle the responses yourself)
- mimeType (don’t override stuff)
- scriptCharset (non-xhr)
- success/error/complete (legacy)
- traditional (convert the data option to a string with $.param(.., true) yourself)
- xhr
- xhrFields (use beforeSend instead)
As the first step, this would delegate to $.ajax. Eventually it should be possible to build jQuery with just this interface, without any of the other methods like $.get, $.getJSON or even $.ajax.
Attachments (0)
Change History (15)
Changed November 04, 2013 02:58PM UTC by comment:1
component: | unfiled → ajax |
priority: | undecided → high |
status: | new → open |
Changed November 04, 2013 03:18PM UTC by comment:2
Changed November 08, 2013 02:26PM UTC by comment:3
owner: | → jaubourg |
status: | open → assigned |
Changed December 03, 2013 12:05PM UTC by comment:4
I would suggest to present this method as a shorthand method like
jQuery.get|post|getScript. And therefore do not rename "cache" or "type" options but change signature of "beforeSend" for jQuery.ajax too.
"expose localProtocols as a global config array instead" and "eventually it should be possible to build jQuery with just this interface" should have different tickets
Changed December 03, 2013 01:03PM UTC by comment:5
Replying to [comment:4 markelog]:
I would suggest to present this method as a shorthand method likejQuery.get|post|getScript. And therefore do not rename "cache" or "type" options but change signature of "beforeSend" for jQuery.ajax too.
But it's not a shorthand method. It's a complete replacement of jQuery.ajax()
and having lots of parameters is a bad API.
"expose localProtocols as a global config array instead" and "eventually it should be possible to build jQuery with just this interface" should have different tickets
Except that it's not possible to build this as it's intended without those. The goal is to leave jQuery.ajax()
as-is and create a new, leaner, simpler API.
Changed December 04, 2013 01:40PM UTC by comment:6
It's a complete replacement of jQuery.ajax()
It could not be a "complete replacement" of
jQuery.ajaxsince it does not presented with same functionality, like you couldn't use
scripttransports and it does not give any alternatives for them (and it shouldn't given method's name), you couldn't use
$.getJSONas a shorthand method for
jQuery.xhrsince you have to do the conversion yourself and so on – list could continue.
having lots of parameters is a bad API.
No arguments there.
Except that it's not possible to build this as it's intended without those
Not quite,
localProtocolsas a global config, could be implemented first and
jQuery.ajaxcould start using it.
As for build option – you obviously need to implement this method first, which is this task purpose and only then you could make it a build option, hence word "eventually" in the quote.
The goal is to leave jQuery.ajax() as-is and create a new, leaner, simpler API
You could achieve that if
jQuery.xhrwould be presented as shorthand and
jQuery.ajaxwould be considered a last resort method. I fear if we choose the other route it could lead to source of confusion.
Changed December 04, 2013 02:03PM UTC by comment:7
Replying to [comment:6 markelog]:
It could not be a "complete replacement" ofjQuery.ajaxsince it does not presented with same functionality
This is just a misunderstanding of the wording. It's not a replacement for the complete functionality of jQuery.ajax()
. It's a complete replacement in the sense that jQuery.ajax()
is removed and jQuery.xhr()
is added. One of the main goals is to completely get rid of jQuery.ajax()
, which is why jQuery.xhr()
can't be a shorthand method.
Not quite,localProtocolsas a global config, could be implemented first andjQuery.ajaxcould start using it.
I suppose, but I don't think there are any plans to change the APIs around jQuery.ajax()
. The proposed path is not to touch jQuery.ajax()
at all.
> The goal is to leave jQuery.ajax() as-is and create a new, leaner, simpler API You could achieve that ifjQuery.xhrwould be presented as shorthand andjQuery.ajaxwould be considered a last resort method. I fear if we choose the other route it could lead to source of confusion.
I'm not sure what the source of confusion would be, but I'm happy to talk through any potential confusion. If you're using jQuery.xhr()
, you shouldn't be using jQuery.ajax()
. The docs would make this clear.
Changed December 04, 2013 04:32PM UTC by comment:8
completely get rid of jQuery.ajax()
Oh my, even if
jQuery.xhrcould have same functionality that
jQuery.ajaxhas, but with better API,
even then, it would be... bold i guess, even just to deprecate
The proposed path is not to touch jQuery.ajax() at all.
Designation of what
localProtocolsare, made inside ajax module, which is not a public API, consequance of
jQuery.xhrintroduction is, as it said in ticket description, to make it a public property.
How to expose it (
jQuery.ajaxSettings? What format?) is a question that i would recommend to dealt before
jQuery.xhrimplementation, because it would affect
Just like
convertorsoption that could be passed to
jQuery.ajaxand is defined in
Changed December 04, 2013 04:51PM UTC by comment:9
The exposure of localProtocols
doesn't have to affect jQuery.ajax()
, but it can, if we want it to.
I would expect that jQuery.ajaxSettings
wouldn't be used at all in jQuery.xhr()
. Changing the actual default values for Ajax requests seems really bad to me.
Changed December 04, 2013 09:23PM UTC by comment:10
There should definitely not be a way to change the default settings, since that has the potential to create havoc in a modular app just like jQuery.ajaxSettings
It would also be good to clearly document for each method whether the data
is sent on the URL or alternatively in the content body. There is some ambiguity about whether methods like DELETE can have a body or not as I recall, there's a ticket around here somewhere.
Changed February 19, 2014 11:13AM UTC by comment:11
The ticket description outlines the options to keep, though we should consider adjusting some of those as well. Angualar's $http service seems like a good reference. Specifically, they avoid the confusion of data by having a separate params option: params get appended as query string, data as message body, without any ambiguity.
Another aspect to consider is the response object. Angular puts 'data', 'status', 'headers' and 'config' properties on a single response object, in order to fit it into a promise.
Changed February 20, 2014 12:10AM UTC by comment:12
Yehuda mentioned this code, which (among other things) adapts $.ajax to an rsvp.js Promise which is Promises/A+ compliant:
Changed March 04, 2014 02:37PM UTC by comment:13
milestone: | None → 1.12/2.2 |
Changed April 28, 2014 02:08PM UTC by comment:14
#15053 is a duplicate of this ticket.
Changed October 16, 2014 06:18PM UTC by comment:15
resolution: | → migrated |
status: | assigned → closed |
Migrated to