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#13767 closed bug (wontfix)

Opened April 12, 2013 01:15PM UTC

Closed September 30, 2013 04:44PM UTC

Last modified November 11, 2013 01:22AM UTC

left: auto on positioned elements is not converted to pixels by css() on WebKit

Reported by: m_gol Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: 1.11/2.1
Component: css Version: 2.0.0-beta3
Keywords: blinkBroken Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Test case:

Original report ( was down) and pull request:

Attachments (0)
Change History (12)

Changed April 12, 2013 01:16PM UTC by m_gol comment:1

description: Test case: \ \ Original report ( was down): case: \ \ Original report ( was down) and pull request:[[BR]] \

Changed April 12, 2013 02:16PM UTC by m_gol comment:2

summary: left: auto on positioned elements is not converted to piksels by css() on WebKitleft: auto on positioned elements is not converted to pixels by css() on WebKit

Changed April 12, 2013 04:09PM UTC by timmywil comment:3

component: unfiledcss
priority: undecidedlow
status: newopen

Changed April 15, 2013 05:22AM UTC by anonymous comment:4

new pr:

make left/top auto value consistent across browsers


Changed April 15, 2013 05:29AM UTC by yiminghe comment:5

_comment0: update tests:

Changed June 04, 2013 06:03PM UTC by m_gol comment:6

milestone: None1.11/2.1

Changed August 19, 2013 04:39PM UTC by m_gol comment:7

@mikesherov, what do you think about always returning pixels if possible, i.e. ignoring the getComputedStyle spec part that says about non-positioned elements? Otherwise we'll keep getting these kind of problems until .usedStyle and friends actually get implemented.

Changed September 16, 2013 08:49PM UTC by m_gol comment:8

It seems we lean towards not caring about non-positioned element at all (though we have to discuss it with the team during a meeting). It will require documenting that, obviously.

Changed September 30, 2013 04:44PM UTC by mikesherov comment:9

keywords: → webkit blink upstream
resolution: → wontfix
status: openclosed

For this case, asking for .left on a position static element is non-sensical. Any value other than 0 doesn't make sense, but we're not going to patch over it for now. Rather, we're going to surface this behavior up to the working groups.

Changed September 30, 2013 04:45PM UTC by mikesherov comment:10

keywords: webkit blink upstreamblinkBroken

Changed November 11, 2013 01:17AM UTC by m_gol comment:11

mikesherov: this ticket is not about fixing .css('left') on a static element, it was just one of points that we wondered what to do about. The issue concerns positioned elements with 'left' set to 'auto'. What's your position on that?

Changed November 11, 2013 01:22AM UTC by m_gol comment:12

To add to the above - if the only change added was the computed === "auto" test in one place, we'd get only +7 bytes gzipped.