I made what I think is a simple change to idrop.js (latest version) to facilitate multiple drop classes.
Basically, dropCfg.a becomes an array in function "build", and when drag starts iterate over all accept classes.
this.dropCfg = {
a : (typeof(o.accept) == 'string') ? [o.accept] : o.accept, //MODIFIED
ac: o.activeclass||false,
and then from about line 87 becomes:
if (jQuery.iDrop.zones[i] != null) {
var iEL = jQuery.iDrop.zones[i].get(0);
jQuery.each(iEL.dropCfg.a, function (n, a){ //NEW
if (jQuery(jQuery.iDrag.dragged).is('.' + a)) { //MODIFIED
if (iEL.dropCfg.m == false) {
iEL.dropCfg.p = jQuery.extend(
iEL.dropCfg.m = true;
if (iEL.dropCfg.ac) {
jQuery.iDrop.highlighted[i] = jQuery.iDrop.zones[i];
//if (jQuery.iSort && jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.so) {
if (jQuery.iSort && iEL.dropCfg.s && jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.so) {
iEL.dropCfg.el = jQuery('.' + iEL.dropCfg.a, iEL);
elm.style.display = 'none';
iEL.dropCfg.os = jQuery.iSort.serialize(jQuery.attr(iEL, 'id')).hash;
elm.style.display = elm.dragCfg.oD;
oneIsSortable = true;
if (iEL.dropCfg.onActivate) {
iEL.dropCfg.onActivate.apply(jQuery.iDrop.zones[i].get(0), [jQuery.iDrag.dragged]);
}); //NEW
If it's a good idea, I'd be happy to see this go into core - if not then my feelings won't be hurt.
I made what I think is a simple change to idrop.js (latest version) to facilitate multiple drop classes.
Basically, dropCfg.a becomes an array in function "build", and when drag starts iterate over all accept classes.
and then from about line 87 becomes:
If it's a good idea, I'd be happy to see this go into core - if not then my feelings won't be hurt.