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#11164 closed feature (wontfix)

Opened January 12, 2012 07:38AM UTC

Closed September 25, 2012 10:47PM UTC

document all support tests

Reported by: mikesherov Owned by: mikesherov
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: support Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Yes, we all love feature detection, but what about support tests? It's a good idea to know what browser(s) caused you to write the test in the first place in case we ever decide to drop support for that browser. It'd also be good to know if there was a publicly tracked bug report for the support test.

I'm going to go through each support test and figure out what browser it is written for, and see if there are any bug tracker tickets, and then document each one with a standard set of comments. I hope that at best, this exposes some archaic removable support tests, and at worst, prepares us for the next time we want to drop a browser.

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Change History (9)

Changed January 12, 2012 07:38AM UTC by mikesherov comment:1

component: unfiledsupport
milestone: None1.8
owner: → mikesherov
priority: undecidedlow
status: newassigned

Changed January 12, 2012 02:21PM UTC by rwaldron comment:2

I think a lot of this can be found in test/unit/support.js right?

Changed January 12, 2012 03:28PM UTC by timmywil comment:3

This should not be officially documented, but with comments in support.js, as rwaldron indicates.

Changed January 12, 2012 06:55PM UTC by mikesherov comment:4

"I'm going to go through each support test and figure out what browser it is written for, and see if there are any bug tracker tickets, and then document each one with a standard set of comments."

Yes, documenting it in code :-)

Changed March 03, 2012 04:22PM UTC by comment:5

cc: →

Changed May 18, 2012 01:12AM UTC by dmethvin comment:6

If we can have the test swarm data record which values there are for each feature detect, we could collect that and see whether any feature detects were true or false across all supported browsers. That would mean we could drop the feature detect (or that we had a bug, as unlikely as that might be).

Changed June 18, 2012 04:17PM UTC by mikesherov comment:7


Changed September 09, 2012 01:11AM UTC by dmethvin comment:8

type: enhancementfeature

Bulk change from enhancement to feature.

Changed September 25, 2012 10:47PM UTC by mikesherov comment:9

resolution: → wontfix
status: assignedclosed

So I'm going to close this ticket in favor of doing those peacemeal once we split into jQuery 1.9 and 2.0 code paths. Sorry to disappoint you, Paul :-/