Side navigation
Ticket #6859: visible.html
File visible.html, 1.7 KB (added by lathan, August 02, 2010 07:46PM UTC)
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
div { width: 100%; }
#grandparent { background-color: grey; }
#parent { background-color: red; }
#child { background-color: green; }
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('Test One, parent is display: none');
alert("child\n\t" + "is(:visible): " + $('#child').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#child').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#child').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#child').height() + "\n parent" + "\n\tis(:visible):" + $('#parent').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#parent').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#parent').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#parent').height());
alert('Test Two, parent is visibility: hidden');
alert("child\n\t" + "is(:visible): " + $('#child').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#child').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#child').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#child').height() + "\n parent" + "\n\tis(:visible):" + $('#parent').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#parent').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#parent').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#parent').height());
alert("failed\n" + "The :visible and :hidden filters do not work with the css attribute visibility\n\nThese tests were conducted from Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 as well as Google Chrome 5.0.375.125 on Ubuntu Linux");
<div id="parent">
<div id="child">
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Original Format
File visible.html, 1.7 KB (added by lathan, August 02, 2010 07:46PM UTC)
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
div { width: 100%; }
#grandparent { background-color: grey; }
#parent { background-color: red; }
#child { background-color: green; }
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('Test One, parent is display: none');
alert("child\n\t" + "is(:visible): " + $('#child').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#child').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#child').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#child').height() + "\n parent" + "\n\tis(:visible):" + $('#parent').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#parent').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#parent').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#parent').height());
alert('Test Two, parent is visibility: hidden');
alert("child\n\t" + "is(:visible): " + $('#child').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#child').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#child').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#child').height() + "\n parent" + "\n\tis(:visible):" + $('#parent').is(':visible') + "\n\tis(:hidden): " + $('#parent').is(':hidden') + "\n\twidth: " + $('#parent').width() + "\n\theight: " + $('#parent').height());
alert("failed\n" + "The :visible and :hidden filters do not work with the css attribute visibility\n\nThese tests were conducted from Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 as well as Google Chrome 5.0.375.125 on Ubuntu Linux");
<div id="parent">
<div id="child">