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Ticket #5546: find_test.html

File find_test.html, 1.3 KB (added by bradcupit, November 24, 2009 09:34PM UTC)

test case

		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			$(function() {
				// the find() method should return 1 element here but instead returns 0
				var bug = $("#formId").find("input[name='parent[0].child[0]']");
				if(bug.length == 0) {
					alert("found a bug. Should have returned 1 element but instead returned 0");

				// escaping it doesn't work either
				var escaped = $("#formId").find("input[name='parent\\[0\\]\\.child\\[0\\]']");
				if(escaped.length == 0) {
					alert("escaping doesn't work either");

				var workaround = $("#formId input[name='parent[0].child[0]']");
				if (workaround.length == 1) {
					alert("the workaround is to use the jQuery method, which properly finds the element");

				// strangely enough, one set of brackets works fine
				var oneBracketWorks = $("#formId").find("input[name='parent[0].child']");
				if (oneBracketWorks.length == 1) {
					alert("strangely enough, using one set of brackets [] works fine");
		<form id="formId">
			<input type="text" name="parent[0].child[0]" />
			<input type="text" name="parent[0].child" />

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