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Ticket #2902: FastTrigger-bug.diff

File FastTrigger-bug.diff, 1.9 KB (added by aheimlich, May 20, 2008 05:14AM UTC)

Patch the jQuery SVN copy and not my project's copy

Index: jquery.fastTrigger.js
--- jquery.fastTrigger.js	(revision 5641)
+++ jquery.fastTrigger.js	(working copy)
@@ -10,33 +10,38 @@
  * @version 1.0.0
 ;(function( $ ){
-	//this is a fake event object, will stay with us all along, don't break it
-	var event = {
-		//no need for real data, what data would you expect from a programmatic trigger
-		pageX:0,
-		pageY:0,
-		which:0,
-		button:0,
-		metaKey:false,
-		ctrlKey:false,
-		charCode:' ',
-		keyCode:0,
-		//no need for real functions
-		preventDefault:function(){},
-		stopPropagation:function(){}
-	};
+	function makeEvent() {
+		//this is a fake event object, will stay with us all along, don't break it
+		var event = {
+			//no need for real data, what data would you expect from a programatic trigger
+			pageX:0,
+			pageY:0,
+			which:0,
+			button:0,
+			metaKey:false,
+			ctrlKey:false,
+			charCode:' ',
+			keyCode:0,
+			//no need for real functions
+			preventDefault:function(){},
+			stopPropagation:function(){}
+		};
+		return event;
+	}
 	$.fn.fastTrigger = function( type, args ){
-		var e = event,
-			ns, any = true;//any is the same as "not-exclusive"
+		var e, ns, any = true;//any is the same as "not-exclusive"
-		if( !args || !args.length )//what if args is a string ? args CAN'T be a string (
-			args = null;//args must be an array, or nothing
-		else if( args[0].preventDefault )
-			e = args[0];		
-		else
-			args.unshift( e );
+		if( !args || !args.length ) {//what if args is a string ? args CAN'T be a string (
+			args = null;//args must be an array, or nothing
+			e = makeEvent();
+		} else if( args[0].preventDefault ) {
+			e = args[0];
+		} else {
+			e = makeEvent();
+			args.unshift( e );
+		}
 		if( type.indexOf('!') != -1 ){
 			any = false;//exclusive

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