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Ticket #1914: battleship.js
File battleship.js, 7.1 KB (added by Digi, November 12, 2007 04:40AM UTC)

main javascript file for program operation

/*	Original:  Kevin Peno (
	Web Site:

	Version: 1.0 alpha
	Date: 10/30/2007 @ 21:28 PST (-8 GMT)
	Requirements: jQuery, jQuery.ui.draggable

function Battleship()
	*	self storage for jquery cooperation
	var self = this;

		Store ths OS window ID
	this.window = null;
		Dragged ship is rotated
	this.rotated = false;
		Store ths OS window name
	*/ = 'Battleship';
	*	Path to prgram
	this.program_dir = 'programs/battleship/';

	*	Game State (nothing/setup/battle)
	this.gameState = false;

		Information used to describe ships
	this.shiptypes = {
		cv : [ "Aircraft Carrier",	5,	'carrier'	],
		bb : [ "Battleship",		4,	'battleship'],
		ss : [ "Submarine",			3,	'sub'		],
		dd : [ "Destroyer",			3,	'destroyer'	],
		pt : [ "Patrol Boat",		2,	'patrol'	]
	*	Example player object
	*	this.player = {
	*					shipcall (ie. CV) :
	*						[
	*							X pos	(ie. 1)
	*							Y pos	(ie. A [numeric of] )
	*							direction	(true/false) (aka horizontal/vertical)
	*						]
	*				};

		Player Elements
	this.player = {};

		Computer Elements
	this.enemy = {};
	Start the game!
	this.Init = function( window_id, params )
		this.window = window_id;

			cursorAt: {bottom:13,left: 13},
			cursor: 'move',
			start: function()
			stop: function()
				$(document).unbind('keypress', self.rotateImage);


		$('#player table tr td:not(.non-field)').droppable({
			accept : 'img',
			tolerance: 'pointer',
			drop : this.placeShip
		$('#computer').bind("click", this.gridClick);

		// Change game state to setup
		this.gameState = 'setup';

	*	Start the actual fighting
	this.start = function()
		//Set up player zone
		this.setupPlayer( false );
		//Build the NPC
		//this.setupPlayer( true );

		Function to place the ships in the grid
	this.setupPlayer = function( ispc )
	*	Place Ship on grid during setup
	*	must use 'self' for 'this' due to jquery callback
	this.placeShip = function( e, jquery_ui )
		// Find our stuffs
		var target = self.findCell( e, jquery_ui );
		var direction = $('#shipselect ul:eq(0) li input:checked').val();
		var ship = $(jquery_ui.draggable.element);
		var ship_key = $(ship).attr('id');

		// If we haven't picked a ship this does nothing
		if( !ship )
			return false;

		// Make sure we have a proper target
		if( target == false )
			alert( 'Please place the ' + self.shiptypes[ ship_key ][0] + ' to where all sides are within the ocean grid and not touching any other ships' );
			$(ship).css({ 'position' : 'relative', 'top': '0', 'left' : '0' });
			return false;

		var x = self.getCellIndex( target ); // Prevents Safari returning this as 0...
		var y = $(target).parent()[0].rowIndex;

		// Get the room available
		var check_distance = direction == 'horizontal' ? ( $(target).nextAll().length + 1 ) : /*Vertical*/ ( $(target).parent().nextAll().length + 1 );

		// Check for enough room
		if( check_distance < self.shiptypes[ ship_key ][1] )
			alert( 'Please place the ' + self.shiptypes[ ship_key ][0] + ' to where all sides are within the ocean grid and not touching any other ships' );
			$(ship).css({ 'position' : 'relative', 'top': '0', 'left' : '0' });
			return false;
			// Move the ship image to the grid where selected
				'top': $(target).offset().top,
				'left' : $(target).offset().left,
				'cursor' : 'default'
			//Update the player node
			self.player[ ship_key ] = [ x, y, direction ];
			// Remove draggability

			//Remove droppability
			for( i=0; i < self.shiptypes[ ship_key ][1]; i++ )
				target = direction == 'horizontal' ? $(target).next() : $(target).parent().next();
			return true;

	*	Find the true targeted cell
	*	Used during ship placement
	this.findCell = function( e, jquery_ui )
		var draggable = $(jquery_ui.draggable.element);
		var droppable = $(jquery_ui.draggable.currentTarget);
		var found = false;

		while( !found )
			if( ( $(draggable).offset().left - $(droppable).offset().left) < 26  && ( $(draggable).offset().left - $(droppable).offset().left) > -10 )
				return droppable;
				if( ( $(draggable).offset().left - $(droppable).offset().left) > 26 )
					if( $(droppable).next().is('.ui-droppable:not(.ui-droppable-disabled)') )
						droppable = $(droppable).next();
						return false;
					if( $(droppable).prev().is('.ui-droppable:not(.ui-droppable-disabled)') )
						droppable = $(droppable).prev();
						return false;

	*	Handler for clicking on the grid
	*	This is called by jquery and must use "self"
	*	for this class object rather than "this"
	this.gridClick = function( e )
		var target = self.getTarget( e );
		var cell = $(target);
		var x = self.getCellIndex( target ); // Prevents Safari not returning this...
		var y = cell.parent()[0].rowIndex;

		// Do attack
		if( self.gameState == 'battle' )
			self.fireShot( cell, x, y );

	*	Fire a shot at the enemy!
	this.fireShot = function( cell, x, y )
		return null;	

	*	Function to change an image shown on a grid
	this.setImage = function( y, x, id, ispc )
		Function to make the computers move. Note that the computer does not cheat, oh no!
	this.computerMove = function()
		When whole ship is hit, show it using changed graphics
	this.sinkShip = function( grid, shipno, ispc )
		Show location of all the enemy ships - when game is over
	this.knowYourEnemy = function()

	*	Safari returns 0 always for cellIndex
	*	Loop to see what the index is, else return
	*	in non-borked browsers
	this.getCellIndex = function ( obj )
	  var isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1 );
	  var ci = ( isSafari && obj.cellIndex == 0 ? -1 : obj.cellIndex );
	  for ( var x = 0; ci == -1 && x < obj.parentElement.cells.length; x++ )
		if ( obj === obj.parentElement.cells[x] ) {
		  ci = x;
	  return ci;

	*	gets a valid grid target
	this.getTarget = function( e )
		var target;
		if ( target =;
		else if (e.srcElement) target = e.srcElement;

		// defeat Safari bug
		if (target.nodeType == 3)
			target = target.parentNode;

		return target;

	*	Used to change a ship from horizontal to vertical
	*	during drag operation
	*	must use 'self' instead of 'this'
	this.rotateImage = function( e )
		console.log( e.which );
		return e;	

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